City-to-city cooperation

The City of Vienna currently maintains active cooperation agreements on specific issues with 12 cities all over the world.

Map with a pin pointing out the city of Vienna

The purpose of these agreements is an intensified exchange of experience and knowledge on urban issues such as urban development, waste and energy management, housing, public transport or health care.

In addition, the city has established special agreements with other cities on the issues of civil protection and crisis management and maintains international partnerships at district level.

City-to-city agreements

City-to-city agreements

  • Ankara
    • Topics: The main focus of mutual exchange is on innovative concepts and practical experience; smart mobility solutions; sustainable waste management and climate change adaptation measures, with climate protection, resource efficiency and participation and social cohesion as overarching guiding objectives; preservation of the historical heritage; deepening cultural and economic relations
  • Belgrad
    • Topics: Smart City, urban development and urban planning, housing, health and aging, open government data, culture and heritage, economy and tourism
  • Bratislava
    • Topics: Twin-city agreement in the fields of transport infrastructure, economic cooperation, regional planning, flood and disaster protection, science and research, culture, education and youth, marketing and tourism, EU-funded projects
  • Brno
    • Topics: Exchange of information and experience in the fields of urban renewal and urban conservation, waste management, transport planning and parking space management, strengthening of cross-border cooperation, development of the rail connection between Vienna and Brno
  • Budapest
    • Topics: Cooperation in the areas of urban development with a special focus on traffic development, waste management, drinking water, waste water, energy, air and noise, environmental protection and green space design, flood protection, EU-compliant procurement, information and communication technology, E-Government, culture, health and social affairs
  • Hamburg/Zurich
    • Topics: Expanding thematic areas in continuation of the 1st joint declaration in the areas of Smart City, climate protection, sustainability, resource efficiency, innovation, participation, social cohesion, expansion of sustainable public transport, quality of life, cooperative coexistence, urban mobility, sustainable development and urban development, mastering the COVID-19 pandemic, UN development goals
  • Krakow
    • Topics: Continuation and expansion of the cooperation in the fields of public transport, public services, public finance, risk management, benchmarking, architecture, urban design, urban renewal and revitalization of inner city areas, environmental and climate protection, climate change adaptation, circular economy, energy efficiency and renewable energies, health and social affairs, gender equality, youth and senior citizens policy, participation of civil society, Education (including vocational training), Innovation, technology, digitization, integrative smart city solutions, Culture and creative industries, sport, municipal housing
  • Ljubljana
    • Topics: Continuation and future cooperation in the areas of environmental and climate protection with a focus on sustainable waste management, renewable energy, circular economy, urban agriculture including beekeeping, digitalization of municipal services and digital smart city solutions, cultural cooperation including protection of cultural heritage, participation and inclusion of vulnerable groups such as elderly, children, young people and people with disabilities
  • Paris
    • Topics: Cooperation on the exchange of information, analyses and good practices, deepening of the friendship and cooperation between the two cities
  • Prague
    • Topics: Enhanced cooperation in the fields of economic development, finance, waste management, transport/e-mobility, infrastructure and urban planning, digitization, green spaces, energy supply, crisis management and security, housing, monument protection and cultural heritage, sport, youth, culture, social affairs
  • Vancouver
    • Topics: International networks, decarbonisation, deep energy retrofits, low carbon buildings, energy efficient and ecological building materials, tools for construction innovation, Integration of energy planning within city planning, fostering business partnerships, lighthouse and pilot projects
  • Zagreb
    • Topics: Continuation and intensification of future cooperation in the areas of energy efficiency and climate change, waste management, environment and green space, transport and mobility, urban planning, smart city, innovation and digitalization, social housing and urban renewal, economic cooperation and statistics, youth, education and sports, social affairs and inclusion, transparency and participation


Visits by international delegations

Many cities around the globe regard Vienna as a sought-after role model for sustainable urban development and modern city administration. For this reason, thousands of experts, officials and political representatives from foreign city administrations and other public institutions visit Austria's capital each year to obtain first-hand information about Vienna's solutions and approaches to different issues.

Visits by international delegations

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