Overview of topics for international delegations
Some topics covered by the Vienna City Administration generate great interest abroad and also attract international delegations to visit Vienna.

- Vienna
- Smart City
- Transportation & Urban Planning
- Waste Management
- Environment, Climate & Energy
- Housing
- Health & Social Services
- Women
- Youth & Education
- Integration
- Culture & Tourism
- Business Location
To plan your visit or to further explore a specific topic, you will below find a collection of topics regarding Vienna that are of particular international interest.
If you are interested in visiting the City of Vienna as a delegation, please read our guidelines carefully before planning a visit: Visits by international delegations
Transportation and Urban Planning
- Transportation & Urban Planning (overview)
- Publications:
- Urban development project "aspern Seestadt" (overview)
- Technology Centre Seestadt
- Industry 4.0
- Aspern Smart City Research
- HoHo Vienna (Wooden highrise)
- Vienna Public Transport
- Wiener Linien (public transport operator)
- Parking in Vienna
- Cycling in Vienna
- Mobilitätsagentur Wien ("Mobility Agency Vienna")
Waste Management
- Waste Management
- WKU - managing large-scale facilities and projects
- Spittelau waste incineration plant (German)
Health and Social Services
- Health & Social Services (overview)
- Social Fund Vienna
Chief Executive Office - European and International Affairs
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