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Driving instructor/driving school instructor licence - application

German Version

General information

The licence to provide practical driving lessons as a driving instructor or theoretical and practical lessons as a driving school instructor can be granted on application.

To obtain a category B driving instructor licence, theoretical training of 208 teaching units and practical training of 200 teaching units must be completed. The training covers category B and provides fundamental knowledge, serving as the foundation for other categories.

The individual training modules must be completed under § 116 (2) of the Motor Vehicles Act 1967 (KFG) in accordance with the requirements of Para 3 in a driving school or an authorised training centre (§ 64d), where modules 1, 2 and 3 may be completed simultaneously. To obtain a driving instructor licence, additional 40 teaching units of theoretical training must be completed at an authorised training centre.

Data protection

For information on data protection and your data protection rights as an individual please visit: Data Protection Notice (German)


The applicant must

  • be trustworthy
  • have had a driving licence for the relevant vehicle classes for a minimum of three years
  • have a minimum of three years of driving practice with the relevant vehicles or have one year of driving practice and have completed an instruction seminar
  • have no prior convictions for severe traffic violations
  • have a secondary school leaving certificate or a minimum of five years of experience as a practical driving instructor (only for driving school instructor licence)
  • Required experience: 64 KB PDF (German)


The processing time depends on the extent of the application.


Legal Affairs: Transport and Traffic (MA 65)
1030 Vienna, Ungargasse 33, (entrance Rochusgasse 18)
Fax: +43 1 4000-99-38319
E-Mail: fahrschulen@ma65.wien.gv.at

Contact person
Alfred Hohos
Phone: +43 1 4000-38356

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 7.30 am to 3.30 pm
Public hours: Monday to Friday 8 am to 12 noon
Opening hours on Good Friday, 24 and 31 December from 7.30 am to 12 noon, closed on public holidays.

Authentication and signature

Authentication or signature of the application is not required.

Documents required

The following documents must be submitted with the application:

  • Two copies of the driving license (both sides)
  • Residence registration certificate (will be obtained by MA 65)
  • Police clearance certificate no older than three months (German) (will be obtained by MA 65)
  • Confirmation of driving practice (by the owner of the vehicles or by persons who can otherwise confirm the driving practice)
  • Secondary school leaving certificate (send both the original (will be returned) and one copy) or employer's confirmation of work as driving instructor (for driving school instructor only)

Type and format of the evidence to be submitted:
You can find more information about bringing in documents at: Contact the City of Vienna (German)


  • Application fee: EUR 47.30
  • Granting fee: EUR 83.60
  • EUR 3.90 for each enclosure (no more than EUR 21.80)
  • Administrative fees between EUR 21.80 and EUR 65 depending on the extent of the licence granted
  • Licensing fees: minimum of EUR 39.50 depending on the extent of the licence granted

The fees can be paid by bank transfer (see payment information in the decision).

Alternatively, you can deposit the fees at the cash desk in the Municipal District Office for the 3rd district (Karl-Borromäus-Platz 3), where you can either pay in cash or by bank card.

For any questions regarding payment, please contact the competent accounting department (Buchhaltungsabteilung 40) (German) of Municipal Department 6 - Accounting Services, Duties and Charges.


The authorised training centre enters the completed individual training modules into the licence database.

Online-application: Driving instructor/driving school instructor licence (German)

The written application can be submitted with the application form, in person, by post, by fax: +43 1 79514-99-38319 or by e-mail post@ma65.wien.gv.at.

Further information

Please note: Please submit your documents via e-mail or fax to reduce the workload of the authorities.

Vienna Economic Chamber - Fachgruppe der Kraftfahrschulen (German)

Means of redress or appeal

An appeal is possible against rulings issued by an authority and shall be filed by the party within a 4 weeks term with the authority that issued the ruling of first instance (against rulings without investigation procedure within a two weeks term). The term starts with the receipt of the written copy of the ruling, in the case of oral pronouncement simultaneously with it.

The appeal shall indicate the ruling it contests, the authority that issued the ruling and contain a motion of appeal with the reasons. No more appeal is admissible if the party expressly waived the right of appeal after receipt or pronouncement of the ruling.

Each ruling contains instructions on the right to appeal and indicates the authority and the deadline for submission of such appeal.

Assistance and problem-solving services

Point of single contact Vienna

Responsible for the content


Last update

10. Juli 2024

Feedback to the European Commission:

Contact for this page:
City of Vienna | Legal Affairs: Transport and Traffic (Martin Hofmann)
Contact form