Vienna overview - tables

Final results of the Provincial Electoral Commission

Go to provincial constituency
Constituency of the Province of Vienna
Go to regional constituency
Go to polling district
1., Innere Stadt
2., Leopoldstadt
3., Landstraße
4., Wieden
5., Margareten
6., Mariahilf
7., Neubau
8., Josefstadt
9., Alsergrund
10., Favoriten
11., Simmering
12., Meidling
13., Hietzing
14., Penzing
15., Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus
16., Ottakring
17., Hernals
18., Währing
19., Döbling
20., Brigittenau
21., Floridsdorf
22., Donaustadt
23., Liesing

Constituency of the Province of Vienna

Entitled to vote 1.127.929 1.149.664 -21.735
Votes cast 810.564 827.567 -17.003 71,86% 71,98% -0,12%
Valid votes 805.037 820.914 -15.877 99,32% 99,20% +0,12%
Invalid votes 5.527 6.653 -1.126 0,68% 0,80% -0,12%
ÖVP 140.217 202.180 -61.963 17,42% 24,63% -7,21%
SPÖ 240.559 222.554 +18.005 29,88% 27,11% +2,77%
FPÖ 166.288 105.289 +60.999 20,66% 12,83% +7,83%
GRÜNE 99.354 169.866 -70.512 12,34% 20,69% -8,35%
NEOS 91.388 80.964 +10.424 11,35% 9,86% +1,49%
BIER 17.050 4.946 +12.104 2,12% 0,60% +1,52%
KPÖ 30.845 6.432 +24.413 3,83% 0,78% +3,05%
GAZA 9.053 n.p. 1,12% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 5.147 n.p. 0,64% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 1.625 n.p. 0,20% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 3.511 n.p. 0,44% n.p. ±0,00%
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regional constituency Innen-Süd

(Landstraße, Wieden, Margareten)
Entitled to vote 102.947 107.413 -4.466
Votes cast 77.382 80.585 -3.203 75,17% 75,02% +0,15%
Valid votes 76.990 80.145 -3.155 99,49% 99,45% +0,04%
Invalid votes 392 440 -48 0,51% 0,55% -0,04%
ÖVP 12.712 17.917 -5.205 16,51% 22,36% -5,85%
SPÖ 23.676 19.040 +4.636 30,75% 23,76% +6,99%
FPÖ 10.688 6.786 +3.902 13,88% 8,47% +5,41%
GRÜNE 12.694 22.548 -9.854 16,49% 28,13% -11,64%
NEOS 10.761 9.627 +1.134 13,98% 12,01% +1,97%
BIER 1.374 359 +1.015 1,78% 0,45% +1,33%
KPÖ 3.501 724 +2.777 4,55% 0,90% +3,65%
GAZA 582 n.p. 0,76% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 540 n.p. 0,70% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 156 n.p. 0,20% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 306 n.p. 0,40% n.p. ±0,00%
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regional constituency Innen-West

(Innere Stadt, Mariahilf, Neubau, Josefstadt, Alsergrund)
Entitled to vote 88.589 94.800 -6.211
Votes cast 70.878 75.227 -4.349 80,01% 79,35% +0,66%
Valid votes 70.582 74.880 -4.298 99,58% 99,54% +0,04%
Invalid votes 296 347 -51 0,42% 0,46% -0,04%
ÖVP 12.630 16.990 -4.360 17,89% 22,69% -4,80%
SPÖ 20.027 14.315 +5.712 28,37% 19,12% +9,25%
FPÖ 7.782 4.926 +2.856 11,03% 6,58% +4,45%
GRÜNE 13.440 24.037 -10.597 19,04% 32,10% -13,06%
NEOS 11.413 10.517 +896 16,17% 14,05% +2,12%
BIER 1.004 256 +748 1,42% 0,34% +1,08%
KPÖ 3.092 643 +2.449 4,38% 0,86% +3,52%
GAZA 334 n.p. 0,47% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 521 n.p. 0,74% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 132 n.p. 0,19% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 207 n.p. 0,29% n.p. ±0,00%
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regional constituency Innen-Ost

(Leopoldstadt, Brigittenau)
Entitled to vote 102.685 106.083 -3.398
Votes cast 71.396 73.901 -2.505 69,53% 69,66% -0,13%
Valid votes 70.956 73.343 -2.387 99,38% 99,24% +0,14%
Invalid votes 440 558 -118 0,62% 0,76% -0,14%
ÖVP 9.767 14.571 -4.804 13,76% 19,87% -6,11%
SPÖ 23.832 22.046 +1.786 33,59% 30,06% +3,53%
FPÖ 12.239 8.227 +4.012 17,25% 11,22% +6,03%
GRÜNE 10.926 18.363 -7.437 15,40% 25,04% -9,64%
NEOS 7.330 6.347 +983 10,33% 8,65% +1,68%
BIER 1.394 421 +973 1,96% 0,57% +1,39%
KPÖ 3.499 752 +2.747 4,93% 1,03% +3,90%
GAZA 1.170 n.p. 1,65% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 400 n.p. 0,56% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 144 n.p. 0,20% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 255 n.p. 0,36% n.p. ±0,00%
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regional constituency Süd

(Favoriten, Simmering, Meidling)
Entitled to vote 216.702 225.324 -8.622
Votes cast 140.577 149.160 -8.583 64,87% 66,20% -1,33%
Valid votes 139.482 147.614 -8.132 99,22% 98,96% +0,26%
Invalid votes 1.095 1.546 -451 0,78% 1,04% -0,26%
ÖVP 21.407 34.208 -12.801 15,35% 23,17% -7,82%
SPÖ 45.708 51.006 -5.298 32,77% 34,55% -1,78%
FPÖ 37.376 25.235 +12.141 26,80% 17,10% +9,70%
GRÜNE 10.923 20.526 -9.603 7,83% 13,91% -6,08%
NEOS 10.783 9.750 +1.033 7,73% 6,61% +1,12%
BIER 3.773 1.097 +2.676 2,71% 0,74% +1,97%
KPÖ 5.108 1.207 +3.901 3,66% 0,82% +2,84%
GAZA 2.830 n.p. 2,03% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 680 n.p. 0,49% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 280 n.p. 0,20% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 614 n.p. 0,44% n.p. ±0,00%
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regional constituency Süd-West

(Hietzing, Penzing, Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus, Liesing)
Entitled to vote 210.621 210.813 -192
Votes cast 156.565 156.585 -20 74,33% 74,28% +0,05%
Valid votes 155.511 155.443 +68 99,33% 99,27% +0,06%
Invalid votes 1.054 1.142 -88 0,67% 0,73% -0,06%
ÖVP 30.434 42.245 -11.811 19,57% 27,18% -7,61%
SPÖ 43.712 39.173 +4.539 28,11% 25,20% +2,91%
FPÖ 30.752 18.858 +11.894 19,77% 12,13% +7,64%
GRÜNE 19.968 31.487 -11.519 12,84% 20,26% -7,42%
NEOS 18.571 16.542 +2.029 11,94% 10,64% +1,30%
BIER 3.158 875 +2.283 2,03% 0,56% +1,47%
KPÖ 5.462 1.055 +4.407 3,51% 0,68% +2,83%
GAZA 1.350 n.p. 0,87% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 1.133 n.p. 0,73% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 310 n.p. 0,20% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 661 n.p. 0,43% n.p. ±0,00%
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regional constituency Nord-West

(Ottakring, Hernals, Währing, Döbling)
Entitled to vote 163.019 170.992 -7.973
Votes cast 122.791 127.937 -5.146 75,32% 74,82% +0,50%
Valid votes 122.040 127.054 -5.014 99,39% 99,31% +0,08%
Invalid votes 751 883 -132 0,61% 0,69% -0,08%
ÖVP 24.251 33.561 -9.310 19,87% 26,41% -6,54%
SPÖ 33.208 29.006 +4.202 27,21% 22,83% +4,38%
FPÖ 19.245 12.396 +6.849 15,77% 9,76% +6,01%
GRÜNE 18.755 30.650 -11.895 15,37% 24,12% -8,75%
NEOS 16.948 15.297 +1.651 13,89% 12,04% +1,85%
BIER 2.081 547 +1.534 1,71% 0,43% +1,28%
KPÖ 4.977 1.008 +3.969 4,08% 0,79% +3,29%
GAZA 979 n.p. 0,80% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 936 n.p. 0,77% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 208 n.p. 0,17% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 452 n.p. 0,37% n.p. ±0,00%
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regional constituency Nord

(Floridsdorf, Donaustadt)
Entitled to vote 243.366 234.239 +9.127
Votes cast 170.888 164.088 +6.800 70,22% 70,05% +0,17%
Valid votes 169.476 162.435 +7.041 99,17% 98,99% +0,18%
Invalid votes 1.412 1.653 -241 0,83% 1,01% -0,18%
ÖVP 29.016 42.688 -13.672 17,12% 26,28% -9,16%
SPÖ 50.396 47.968 +2.428 29,74% 29,53% +0,21%
FPÖ 48.206 28.861 +19.345 28,44% 17,77% +10,67%
GRÜNE 12.648 22.255 -9.607 7,46% 13,70% -6,24%
NEOS 15.582 12.884 +2.698 9,19% 7,93% +1,26%
BIER 4.266 1.391 +2.875 2,52% 0,86% +1,66%
KPÖ 5.206 1.043 +4.163 3,07% 0,64% +2,43%
GAZA 1.808 n.p. 1,07% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 937 n.p. 0,55% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 395 n.p. 0,23% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 1.016 n.p. 0,60% n.p. ±0,00%
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1., Innere Stadt

Entitled to vote 11.140 11.772 -632
Votes cast 8.465 8.963 -498 75,99% 76,14% -0,15%
Valid votes 8.443 8.942 -499 99,74% 99,77% -0,03%
Invalid votes 22 21 +1 0,26% 0,23% +0,03%
ÖVP 2.604 3.274 -670 30,84% 36,61% -5,77%
SPÖ 1.614 1.487 +127 19,12% 16,63% +2,49%
FPÖ 1.231 677 +554 14,58% 7,57% +7,01%
GRÜNE 1.024 1.667 -643 12,13% 18,64% -6,51%
NEOS 1.604 1.493 +111 19,00% 16,70% +2,30%
BIER 80 23 +57 0,95% 0,26% +0,69%
KPÖ 172 36 +136 2,04% 0,40% +1,64%
GAZA 27 n.p. 0,32% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 59 n.p. 0,70% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 12 n.p. 0,14% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 16 n.p. 0,19% n.p. ±0,00%
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2., Leopoldstadt

Entitled to vote 60.004 59.836 +168
Votes cast 42.419 42.063 +356 70,69% 70,30% +0,39%
Valid votes 42.189 41.759 +430 99,46% 99,28% +0,18%
Invalid votes 230 304 -74 0,54% 0,72% -0,18%
ÖVP 5.751 8.038 -2.287 13,63% 19,25% -5,62%
SPÖ 13.999 11.524 +2.475 33,18% 27,60% +5,58%
FPÖ 6.332 4.054 +2.278 15,01% 9,71% +5,30%
GRÜNE 7.326 11.835 -4.509 17,36% 28,34% -10,98%
NEOS 4.983 4.126 +857 11,81% 9,88% +1,93%
BIER 753 234 +519 1,78% 0,56% +1,22%
KPÖ 2.059 433 +1.626 4,88% 1,04% +3,84%
GAZA 515 n.p. 1,22% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 243 n.p. 0,58% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 81 n.p. 0,19% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 147 n.p. 0,35% n.p. ±0,00%
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3., Landstraße

Entitled to vote 55.118 55.943 -825
Votes cast 40.599 40.951 -352 73,66% 73,20% +0,46%
Valid votes 40.394 40.703 -309 99,50% 99,39% +0,11%
Invalid votes 205 248 -43 0,50% 0,61% -0,11%
ÖVP 7.005 9.638 -2.633 17,34% 23,68% -6,34%
SPÖ 12.224 9.696 +2.528 30,26% 23,82% +6,44%
FPÖ 5.936 3.743 +2.193 14,70% 9,20% +5,50%
GRÜNE 6.190 10.667 -4.477 15,32% 26,21% -10,89%
NEOS 5.788 4.899 +889 14,33% 12,04% +2,29%
BIER 766 194 +572 1,90% 0,48% +1,42%
KPÖ 1.668 355 +1.313 4,13% 0,87% +3,26%
GAZA 275 n.p. 0,68% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 290 n.p. 0,72% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 75 n.p. 0,19% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 177 n.p. 0,44% n.p. ±0,00%
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4., Wieden

Entitled to vote 19.382 20.440 -1.058
Votes cast 14.759 15.575 -816 76,15% 76,20% -0,05%
Valid votes 14.687 15.495 -808 99,51% 99,49% +0,02%
Invalid votes 72 80 -8 0,49% 0,51% -0,02%
ÖVP 2.755 3.657 -902 18,76% 23,60% -4,84%
SPÖ 4.207 3.191 +1.016 28,64% 20,59% +8,05%
FPÖ 1.713 1.068 +645 11,66% 6,89% +4,77%
GRÜNE 2.671 4.683 -2.012 18,19% 30,22% -12,03%
NEOS 2.306 2.123 +183 15,70% 13,70% +2,00%
BIER 205 43 +162 1,40% 0,28% +1,12%
KPÖ 575 122 +453 3,92% 0,79% +3,13%
GAZA 81 n.p. 0,55% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 96 n.p. 0,65% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 30 n.p. 0,20% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 48 n.p. 0,33% n.p. ±0,00%
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5., Margareten

Entitled to vote 28.447 31.030 -2.583
Votes cast 20.324 22.011 -1.687 71,45% 70,93% +0,52%
Valid votes 20.219 21.907 -1.688 99,48% 99,53% -0,05%
Invalid votes 105 104 +1 0,52% 0,47% +0,05%
ÖVP 2.628 4.125 -1.497 13,00% 18,83% -5,83%
SPÖ 6.799 5.847 +952 33,63% 26,69% +6,94%
FPÖ 2.839 1.806 +1.033 14,04% 8,24% +5,80%
GRÜNE 3.503 6.603 -3.100 17,33% 30,14% -12,81%
NEOS 2.414 2.257 +157 11,94% 10,30% +1,64%
BIER 365 112 +253 1,81% 0,51% +1,30%
KPÖ 1.197 235 +962 5,92% 1,07% +4,85%
GAZA 221 n.p. 1,09% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 136 n.p. 0,67% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 42 n.p. 0,21% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 75 n.p. 0,37% n.p. ±0,00%
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6., Mariahilf

Entitled to vote 18.904 20.431 -1.527
Votes cast 14.392 15.218 -826 76,13% 74,48% +1,65%
Valid votes 14.339 15.131 -792 99,63% 99,43% +0,20%
Invalid votes 53 87 -34 0,37% 0,57% -0,20%
ÖVP 2.173 3.001 -828 15,15% 19,83% -4,68%
SPÖ 4.518 3.211 +1.307 31,51% 21,22% +10,29%
FPÖ 1.572 1.059 +513 10,96% 7,00% +3,96%
GRÜNE 2.875 5.148 -2.273 20,05% 34,02% -13,97%
NEOS 2.013 1.913 +100 14,04% 12,64% +1,40%
BIER 230 55 +175 1,60% 0,36% +1,24%
KPÖ 704 132 +572 4,91% 0,87% +4,04%
GAZA 89 n.p. 0,62% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 107 n.p. 0,75% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 22 n.p. 0,15% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 36 n.p. 0,25% n.p. ±0,00%
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7., Neubau

Entitled to vote 19.281 20.645 -1.364
Votes cast 15.377 16.172 -795 79,75% 78,33% +1,42%
Valid votes 15.299 16.099 -800 99,49% 99,55% -0,06%
Invalid votes 78 73 +5 0,51% 0,45% +0,06%
ÖVP 2.089 2.892 -803 13,65% 17,96% -4,31%
SPÖ 4.737 3.121 +1.616 30,96% 19,39% +11,57%
FPÖ 1.445 928 +517 9,45% 5,76% +3,69%
GRÜNE 3.411 6.044 -2.633 22,30% 37,54% -15,24%
NEOS 2.354 2.121 +233 15,39% 13,17% +2,22%
BIER 231 38 +193 1,51% 0,24% +1,27%
KPÖ 771 153 +618 5,04% 0,95% +4,09%
GAZA 67 n.p. 0,44% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 123 n.p. 0,80% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 22 n.p. 0,14% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 49 n.p. 0,32% n.p. ±0,00%
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8., Josefstadt

Entitled to vote 14.839 15.824 -985
Votes cast 12.057 12.720 -663 81,25% 80,38% +0,87%
Valid votes 11.998 12.659 -661 99,51% 99,52% -0,01%
Invalid votes 59 61 -2 0,49% 0,48% +0,01%
ÖVP 2.182 2.912 -730 18,19% 23,00% -4,81%
SPÖ 3.309 2.283 +1.026 27,58% 18,03% +9,55%
FPÖ 1.267 781 +486 10,56% 6,17% +4,39%
GRÜNE 2.338 4.120 -1.782 19,49% 32,55% -13,06%
NEOS 2.040 1.813 +227 17,00% 14,32% +2,68%
BIER 155 44 +111 1,29% 0,35% +0,94%
KPÖ 504 133 +371 4,20% 1,05% +3,15%
GAZA 45 n.p. 0,38% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 88 n.p. 0,73% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 29 n.p. 0,24% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 41 n.p. 0,34% n.p. ±0,00%
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9., Alsergrund

Entitled to vote 24.425 26.128 -1.703
Votes cast 18.851 20.073 -1.222 77,18% 76,83% +0,35%
Valid votes 18.770 19.976 -1.206 99,57% 99,52% +0,05%
Invalid votes 81 97 -16 0,43% 0,48% -0,05%
ÖVP 3.257 4.390 -1.133 17,35% 21,98% -4,63%
SPÖ 5.409 3.919 +1.490 28,82% 19,62% +9,20%
FPÖ 2.051 1.340 +711 10,93% 6,71% +4,22%
GRÜNE 3.473 6.408 -2.935 18,50% 32,08% -13,58%
NEOS 3.098 2.827 +271 16,51% 14,15% +2,36%
BIER 290 92 +198 1,55% 0,46% +1,09%
KPÖ 866 180 +686 4,61% 0,90% +3,71%
GAZA 100 n.p. 0,53% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 125 n.p. 0,67% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 43 n.p. 0,23% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 58 n.p. 0,31% n.p. ±0,00%
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10., Favoriten

Entitled to vote 104.744 109.553 -4.809
Votes cast 65.876 70.883 -5.007 62,89% 64,70% -1,81%
Valid votes 65.299 70.134 -4.835 99,12% 98,94% +0,18%
Invalid votes 577 749 -172 0,88% 1,06% -0,18%
ÖVP 10.149 16.110 -5.961 15,54% 22,97% -7,43%
SPÖ 21.734 25.830 -4.096 33,28% 36,83% -3,55%
FPÖ 17.944 12.083 +5.861 27,48% 17,23% +10,25%
GRÜNE 4.616 8.729 -4.113 7,07% 12,45% -5,38%
NEOS 4.873 4.265 +608 7,46% 6,08% +1,38%
BIER 1.507 490 +1.017 2,31% 0,70% +1,61%
KPÖ 2.223 562 +1.661 3,40% 0,80% +2,60%
GAZA 1.565 n.p. 2,40% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 281 n.p. 0,43% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 128 n.p. 0,20% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 279 n.p. 0,43% n.p. ±0,00%
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11., Simmering

Entitled to vote 58.847 60.628 -1.781
Votes cast 37.312 39.250 -1.938 63,41% 64,74% -1,33%
Valid votes 37.043 38.776 -1.733 99,28% 98,79% +0,49%
Invalid votes 269 474 -205 0,72% 1,21% -0,49%
ÖVP 5.394 8.870 -3.476 14,56% 22,87% -8,31%
SPÖ 11.880 13.418 -1.538 32,07% 34,60% -2,53%
FPÖ 11.605 8.049 +3.556 31,33% 20,76% +10,57%
GRÜNE 2.030 4.313 -2.283 5,48% 11,12% -5,64%
NEOS 2.409 2.304 +105 6,50% 5,94% +0,56%
BIER 1.401 362 +1.039 3,78% 0,93% +2,85%
KPÖ 1.242 311 +931 3,35% 0,80% +2,55%
GAZA 716 n.p. 1,93% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 139 n.p. 0,38% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 66 n.p. 0,18% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 161 n.p. 0,43% n.p. ±0,00%
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12., Meidling

Entitled to vote 53.111 55.143 -2.032
Votes cast 35.219 36.476 -1.257 66,31% 66,15% +0,16%
Valid votes 34.989 36.172 -1.183 99,35% 99,17% +0,18%
Invalid votes 230 304 -74 0,65% 0,83% -0,18%
ÖVP 5.476 8.521 -3.045 15,65% 23,56% -7,91%
SPÖ 11.474 11.172 +302 32,79% 30,89% +1,90%
FPÖ 7.326 4.752 +2.574 20,94% 13,14% +7,80%
GRÜNE 4.027 7.007 -2.980 11,51% 19,37% -7,86%
NEOS 3.279 2.910 +369 9,37% 8,04% +1,33%
BIER 821 226 +595 2,35% 0,62% +1,73%
KPÖ 1.558 319 +1.239 4,45% 0,88% +3,57%
GAZA 541 n.p. 1,55% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 240 n.p. 0,69% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 79 n.p. 0,23% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 168 n.p. 0,48% n.p. ±0,00%
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13., Hietzing

Entitled to vote 37.100 38.030 -930
Votes cast 29.292 29.783 -491 78,95% 78,31% +0,64%
Valid votes 29.133 29.597 -464 99,46% 99,38% +0,08%
Invalid votes 159 186 -27 0,54% 0,62% -0,08%
ÖVP 7.762 10.084 -2.322 26,64% 34,07% -7,43%
SPÖ 6.261 5.624 +637 21,49% 19,00% +2,49%
FPÖ 4.709 2.768 +1.941 16,16% 9,35% +6,81%
GRÜNE 4.006 5.716 -1.710 13,75% 19,31% -5,56%
NEOS 4.731 4.181 +550 16,24% 14,13% +2,11%
BIER 517 126 +391 1,77% 0,43% +1,34%
KPÖ 647 128 +519 2,22% 0,43% +1,79%
GAZA 101 n.p. 0,35% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 240 n.p. 0,82% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 56 n.p. 0,19% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 103 n.p. 0,35% n.p. ±0,00%
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14., Penzing

Entitled to vote 59.782 59.858 -76
Votes cast 44.291 43.681 +610 74,09% 72,97% +1,12%
Valid votes 44.007 43.316 +691 99,36% 99,16% +0,20%
Invalid votes 284 365 -81 0,64% 0,84% -0,20%
ÖVP 8.125 11.371 -3.246 18,46% 26,25% -7,79%
SPÖ 12.529 10.824 +1.705 28,47% 24,99% +3,48%
FPÖ 8.416 5.124 +3.292 19,12% 11,83% +7,29%
GRÜNE 6.292 9.373 -3.081 14,30% 21,64% -7,34%
NEOS 5.172 4.552 +620 11,75% 10,51% +1,24%
BIER 919 259 +660 2,09% 0,60% +1,49%
KPÖ 1.622 290 +1.332 3,69% 0,67% +3,02%
GAZA 294 n.p. 0,67% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 362 n.p. 0,82% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 88 n.p. 0,20% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 188 n.p. 0,43% n.p. ±0,00%
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15., Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus

Entitled to vote 37.172 39.246 -2.074
Votes cast 24.991 25.975 -984 67,23% 66,19% +1,04%
Valid votes 24.843 25.800 -957 99,41% 99,33% +0,08%
Invalid votes 148 175 -27 0,59% 0,67% -0,08%
ÖVP 2.885 4.665 -1.780 11,61% 18,08% -6,47%
SPÖ 8.665 7.592 +1.073 34,88% 29,43% +5,45%
FPÖ 4.118 2.705 +1.413 16,58% 10,48% +6,10%
GRÜNE 4.191 7.449 -3.258 16,87% 28,87% -12,00%
NEOS 2.151 1.976 +175 8,66% 7,66% +1,00%
BIER 513 134 +379 2,06% 0,52% +1,54%
KPÖ 1.624 303 +1.321 6,54% 1,17% +5,37%
GAZA 405 n.p. 1,63% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 146 n.p. 0,59% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 34 n.p. 0,14% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 111 n.p. 0,45% n.p. ±0,00%
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16., Ottakring

Entitled to vote 53.593 57.151 -3.558
Votes cast 37.213 39.542 -2.329 69,44% 69,19% +0,25%
Valid votes 36.963 39.214 -2.251 99,33% 99,17% +0,16%
Invalid votes 250 328 -78 0,67% 0,83% -0,16%
ÖVP 5.434 8.485 -3.051 14,70% 21,64% -6,94%
SPÖ 12.051 11.298 +753 32,60% 28,81% +3,79%
FPÖ 6.625 4.487 +2.138 17,92% 11,44% +6,48%
GRÜNE 5.483 9.700 -4.217 14,83% 24,74% -9,91%
NEOS 3.716 3.192 +524 10,05% 8,14% +1,91%
BIER 721 210 +511 1,95% 0,54% +1,41%
KPÖ 2.015 416 +1.599 5,45% 1,06% +4,39%
GAZA 462 n.p. 1,25% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 259 n.p. 0,70% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 59 n.p. 0,16% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 138 n.p. 0,37% n.p. ±0,00%
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17., Hernals

Entitled to vote 31.127 32.524 -1.397
Votes cast 23.120 23.779 -659 74,28% 73,11% +1,17%
Valid votes 22.962 23.614 -652 99,32% 99,31% +0,01%
Invalid votes 158 165 -7 0,68% 0,69% -0,01%
ÖVP 4.020 5.647 -1.627 17,51% 23,91% -6,40%
SPÖ 6.591 5.452 +1.139 28,70% 23,09% +5,61%
FPÖ 3.496 2.315 +1.181 15,23% 9,80% +5,43%
GRÜNE 3.926 6.295 -2.369 17,10% 26,66% -9,56%
NEOS 2.935 2.700 +235 12,78% 11,43% +1,35%
BIER 405 89 +316 1,76% 0,38% +1,38%
KPÖ 1.082 191 +891 4,71% 0,81% +3,90%
GAZA 173 n.p. 0,75% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 182 n.p. 0,79% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 44 n.p. 0,19% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 108 n.p. 0,47% n.p. ±0,00%
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18., Währing

Entitled to vote 31.479 32.809 -1.330
Votes cast 24.917 25.670 -753 79,15% 78,24% +0,91%
Valid votes 24.799 25.530 -731 99,53% 99,45% +0,08%
Invalid votes 118 140 -22 0,47% 0,55% -0,08%
ÖVP 5.071 6.803 -1.732 20,45% 26,65% -6,20%
SPÖ 5.942 4.376 +1.566 23,96% 17,14% +6,82%
FPÖ 2.989 1.885 +1.104 12,05% 7,38% +4,67%
GRÜNE 4.760 7.433 -2.673 19,19% 29,11% -9,92%
NEOS 4.283 3.857 +426 17,27% 15,11% +2,16%
BIER 355 90 +265 1,43% 0,35% +1,08%
KPÖ 917 164 +753 3,70% 0,64% +3,06%
GAZA 115 n.p. 0,46% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 232 n.p. 0,94% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 35 n.p. 0,14% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 100 n.p. 0,40% n.p. ±0,00%
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19., Döbling

Entitled to vote 46.820 48.508 -1.688
Votes cast 35.242 36.242 -1.000 75,27% 74,71% +0,56%
Valid votes 35.025 36.005 -980 99,38% 99,35% +0,03%
Invalid votes 217 237 -20 0,62% 0,65% -0,03%
ÖVP 9.261 11.874 -2.613 26,44% 32,98% -6,54%
SPÖ 8.091 7.461 +630 23,10% 20,72% +2,38%
FPÖ 5.811 3.482 +2.329 16,59% 9,67% +6,92%
GRÜNE 4.118 6.459 -2.341 11,76% 17,94% -6,18%
NEOS 5.693 5.179 +514 16,25% 14,38% +1,87%
BIER 560 146 +414 1,60% 0,41% +1,19%
KPÖ 868 214 +654 2,48% 0,59% +1,89%
GAZA 225 n.p. 0,64% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 242 n.p. 0,69% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 61 n.p. 0,17% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 95 n.p. 0,27% n.p. ±0,00%
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20., Brigittenau

Entitled to vote 42.681 46.247 -3.566
Votes cast 27.555 30.183 -2.628 64,56% 65,26% -0,70%
Valid votes 27.356 29.938 -2.582 99,28% 99,19% +0,09%
Invalid votes 199 245 -46 0,72% 0,81% -0,09%
ÖVP 3.826 6.158 -2.332 13,99% 20,57% -6,58%
SPÖ 9.406 10.228 -822 34,38% 34,16% +0,22%
FPÖ 5.686 4.012 +1.674 20,79% 13,40% +7,39%
GRÜNE 3.325 6.008 -2.683 12,15% 20,07% -7,92%
NEOS 2.170 2.012 +158 7,93% 6,72% +1,21%
BIER 611 178 +433 2,23% 0,59% +1,64%
KPÖ 1.372 306 +1.066 5,02% 1,02% +4,00%
GAZA 650 n.p. 2,38% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 145 n.p. 0,53% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 59 n.p. 0,22% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 106 n.p. 0,39% n.p. ±0,00%
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21., Floridsdorf

Entitled to vote 108.262 106.895 +1.367
Votes cast 73.415 72.437 +978 67,81% 67,76% +0,05%
Valid votes 72.787 71.665 +1.122 99,14% 98,93% +0,21%
Invalid votes 628 772 -144 0,86% 1,07% -0,21%
ÖVP 12.450 18.866 -6.416 17,10% 26,33% -9,23%
SPÖ 21.542 21.658 -116 29,60% 30,22% -0,62%
FPÖ 21.717 13.486 +8.231 29,84% 18,82% +11,02%
GRÜNE 5.093 9.088 -3.995 7,00% 12,68% -5,68%
NEOS 6.162 5.192 +970 8,47% 7,24% +1,23%
BIER 1.789 596 +1.193 2,46% 0,83% +1,63%
KPÖ 2.227 462 +1.765 3,06% 0,64% +2,42%
GAZA 828 n.p. 1,14% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 390 n.p. 0,54% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 175 n.p. 0,24% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 414 n.p. 0,57% n.p. ±0,00%
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22., Donaustadt

Entitled to vote 135.104 127.344 +7.760
Votes cast 95.647 89.713 +5.934 70,80% 70,45% +0,35%
Valid votes 94.886 88.847 +6.039 99,20% 99,03% +0,17%
Invalid votes 761 866 -105 0,80% 0,97% -0,17%
ÖVP 16.249 23.269 -7.020 17,12% 26,19% -9,07%
SPÖ 28.380 25.855 +2.525 29,91% 29,10% +0,81%
FPÖ 26.044 15.113 +10.931 27,45% 17,01% +10,44%
GRÜNE 7.344 12.849 -5.505 7,74% 14,46% -6,72%
NEOS 9.207 7.474 +1.733 9,70% 8,41% +1,29%
BIER 2.439 774 +1.665 2,57% 0,87% +1,70%
KPÖ 2.916 561 +2.355 3,07% 0,63% +2,44%
GAZA 969 n.p. 1,02% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 534 n.p. 0,56% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 217 n.p. 0,23% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 587 n.p. 0,62% n.p. ±0,00%
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23., Liesing

Entitled to vote 76.567 73.679 +2.888
Votes cast 55.676 54.436 +1.240 72,72% 73,88% -1,16%
Valid votes 55.228 54.034 +1.194 99,20% 99,26% -0,06%
Invalid votes 448 402 +46 0,80% 0,74% +0,06%
ÖVP 11.240 15.392 -4.152 20,35% 28,49% -8,14%
SPÖ 15.701 14.631 +1.070 28,43% 27,08% +1,35%
FPÖ 13.081 7.969 +5.112 23,69% 14,75% +8,94%
GRÜNE 5.054 8.265 -3.211 9,15% 15,30% -6,15%
NEOS 6.221 5.491 +730 11,26% 10,16% +1,10%
BIER 1.166 341 +825 2,11% 0,63% +1,48%
KPÖ 1.475 322 +1.153 2,67% 0,60% +2,07%
GAZA 546 n.p. 0,99% n.p. ±0,00%
LMP 363 n.p. 0,66% n.p. ±0,00%
MFG 130 n.p. 0,24% n.p. ±0,00%
KEINE 251 n.p. 0,45% n.p. ±0,00%
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