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Compulsory schooling was established in Austria by Empress Maria Theresa. Currently, children have to attend school for at least nine years. There are public and private schools, and public schools are free to attend. Primary school is called “Volksschule” in Austria and lasts 4 years.

Afterward, parents and children can choose between two types of school: “Mittelschule” or middle school, and “Gymnasium” or academic secondary school. At Year 9 or higher, children have several options to continue their education. Let’s start with Volksschule or primary school.

In Austria, most children start school at the age of 6. The school year starts at the beginning of September. Enrolment takes place at the beginning of the same year. Please remember: Before your child starts school, they have to attend kindergarten for at least one year. Kindergartens help them prepare for school.

If your child is 6 years old but not ready for school, they can complete a “Vorschule,” a pre-school year. Some schools offer inclusive education for children with learning difficulties. In addition, there are “Sonderschulen” or special-needs schools for children who need a high level of support.

The Vienna Board of Education is responsible for enrolment at public schools. If you have lived in Vienna for quite some time, you will receive a letter with all the important information well in advance of the enrolment period.

If you have moved to Vienna only recently, your child may also enrol during the school year. Simply send an email to “schulplatz@bildung-wien.gv.at.” The Vienna Board of Education will allocate you a place at a school.

Children who cannot speak German very well are offered remedial German courses or will attend special remedial German classes. Some schools also offer native language courses as an elective subject, for example in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Turkish, or Spanish. These courses promote your child’s first language skills.

After completing Volksschule or primary school, children can attend a Mittelschule or middle school, or a Gymnasium or academic secondary school. Your choice should be based on the following criteria:

* Your child’s achievement at school.
* Your place of residence.
* Your child’s social environment, such as their friends.

Your child needs good grades to attend Gymnasium or academic secondary school. In Austria, education at a Gymnasium, an academic secondary school – also called AHS in German – is divided into Unterstufe or lower cycle and Oberstufe or upper cycle. Both cycles last 4 years, and at the end of the upper cycle, pupils take the Matura or university entrance exam.

Both Gymnasium and Mittelschule, that is academic secondary schools and middle schools, often specialize in certain subjects, for example, languages, natural sciences, or sports. If you want to enrol your child at one of these schools, contact the school half a year before the start of the next school year and bring your child’s mid-year report from Volksschule or primary school.

Here is my advice: Every school holds an open day for future pupils and their parents. On this occasion, you can visit the school you are interested in and obtain any information you need.

In Austria, school grades range between 1 and 5. 1 is the best grade, and 5 is the worst. Schools hold regular parents’ evenings and parent-teacher interviews, and they expect parents to participate in them. My advice is to make sure to attend the first parents’ evening in the school year. This meeting is usually used to discuss important dates and information.

Also, support your children with learning. If you can’t, you may want to use after-school care, which is provided either at schools or in after-school care clubs. After-school care programs provide children with leisure activities and help them with their homework.

Many schools also offer lunch. Fees for lunch and after-school care differ from school to school. Discounts may be granted depending on parents’ income. Children who have difficulties in one subject are offered free extra tuition financed by the City of Vienna.

If you have any questions about schools and schooling, please contact the “Schul-Info” information service of the Vienna Board of Education. And for more detailed information, I recommend the *Wiener Schulführer*, the Vienna School Guide. It offers you an overview of all schools, after-school care facilities, and open days at schools in Vienna.

Also, watch the video “Education and apprenticeships for young people” for more information on education options for pupils aged 14 and older.

The school system for children

Schooling is compulsory in Austria. Your children must attend school for at least nine years from the age of six. There is also a mandatory kindergarten year before that and the possibility of pre-school. This StartWien video shows you the difference between primary school, special needs school, secondary school and academic secondary school as well as private and public schools. We also inform you about school enrolment, learning support, the grading system and afternoon care.

Länge: 5 Min. 24 Sek.
Copyright: Stadt Wien - Integration und Diversität

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