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The education system in Austria – an overview

How do I register my child for kindergarten? What school types are available? And what education options do my children have?

Let’s start with the youngest ones. If your child is between 0 and 3 years old, they can go to a Kinderkrippe or day nursery. From 3 to 6 years, they can attend a kindergarten. In addition, there are registered childminders, so-called Tagesmütter and Tagesväter, who provide childcare for children up to the age of 6.

Kindergartens promote and support your child’s development. They will find friends and can prepare for school. Because this is very important, all children have to attend a kindergarten in the year before they enter school. This is called „verpflichtendes Kindergartenjahr“ or compulsory kindergarten year.

Basically, kindergartens run by the City of Vienna are free of charge. To register your child for a kindergarten, simply register with Municipal Department 10 to obtain a client ID number. My advice is to register in good time, ideally one year in advance. Also watch the video “Kindergartens & childcare” for further information.

After finishing kindergarten, children move on to school. In Austria, all children have to complete nine years of compulsory schooling. In addition, children have to stay in education or training up to the age of 18 because education is important.

Let’s look at two examples:

Ivo is currently completing an apprenticeship as an electrician. He has completed 4 years of Volksschule or primary school and then 4 years of the Unterstufe or lower cycle of Gymnasium or academic secondary school. Since he is good at working with his hands, he has completed Year 9 at a Polytechnische Schule, a pre-vocational school. There he gets to know different apprenticeship trades and decides to become an electrician. At the age of 18, he will already be earning his own money.

Leyla goes to a Handelsakademie, a higher-level commercial school. Leyla and her family moved to Austria when she was 12. Because of her school certificates, the Vienna Board of Education allocated Leyla a place at a Mittelschule or middle school. In the beginning, she had extra German classes and quickly improved her language skills.

After Mittelschule, Leyla decided to attend a Berufsbildende Höhere Schule, a higher-level vocational school, with a focus on occupations in commerce. At the end of school, she will pass the Matura, the university entrance exam, and then she can decide whether she wants to take up a job with a bank or a commercial company or go on to university.

The educational careers of Ivo and Leyla show the diversity of the Austrian education system. It promotes children’s individual interests and offers different specialisations. After 4 years of Volksschule or primary school, children and parents choose between Mittelschule or middle school and Gymnasium-Unterstufe, that is the lower cycle of an academic secondary school.

After another 4 years, at the age of 14, children have to make another major decision. They can choose between a Berufsbildende Schule, that is an intermediate or higher-level vocational school, a Polytechnische Schule or pre-vocational school, or Gymnasium-Oberstufe, that is the upper cycle of an academic secondary school.

Also, watch the video “Education and apprenticeships for young people” for further details on the individual school types.

Young people who have passed the Matura or university entrance exam can go on to study at a university or university of applied sciences. If you have higher-level qualifications or have learned a skilled trade, you will get better job opportunities. And here is advice that applies to everyone:

Society and the labour market are constantly changing. Therefore, “lifelong learning” becomes more and more important. To stay in the game, you can complete a course to take the Matura or university entrance exam, enrol in continuing education or training courses, or attend courses at one of the Adult Education Centres. Because you never stop learning in life.

The education system in Austria – an overview

From kindergarten to adulthood - this StartWien video gives you an overview of childcare, different educational paths, and compulsory schooling in Austria. Learn essentials about registering for a kindergarten or school in time and get to know the various opportunities of the Austrian education system.

Länge: 4 Min. 38 Sek.
Produktionsdatum: 2022
Copyright: Stadt Wien - Integration und Diversität

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