Child and Youth Welfare Service

Municipal Department 11 - Child and Youth Welfare Service (MA 11) advocates for the rights of children and young people.
The department focuses, in particular, on preventive measures. In addition, the Child and Youth Welfare Service has the obligation and right to interfere in cases of violence against children and young people and to protect them from further violence.
In addition to the individual help offered to children and their families, the department contributes to a better quality of life in Vienna.
The Child and Youth Welfare Service offers a wide range of information, counselling, advice and support for children, young people and families. It supports families in finding appropriate solutions for their problems.
- Counselling and advice for pregnant women, families, children and young people
- Advice, support and social services (programme for first-time parents (Eltern-Fit-Programm), parent counselling, support groups for families, holidays for children and families, City of Vienna family allowance (Wiener Familienzuschuss), funding of meal fees for children attending childcare facilities in Vienna, support for families with handicapped children, etc.)
- Assessing cases of child endangerment, protection of children in crisis situations, placement in crisis centres or crisis foster families
- Initiating support measures for children and young people in the framework of parenting support (Unterstützung der Erziehung) such as mobile work with families, family coaching, video-based intensive family training (FIT), Familienhilfe Plus, etc.)
- Out-of-home care (volle Erziehung) of children and young people staying with foster parents or in children’s residential care homes
- Support in case of problems with paternity and maintenance payments (child support), securing maintenance payments for children, legal representation of unaccompanied refugee minors
- Counselling and support for foster parents, training and further training of foster parents, adoptions
- Granting licences for and supervising childminders, children’s residential care homes, private child and youth welfare services, kindergartens, parent-organised daycare centres (Kindergruppen) and registered childminders
- Child and Youth Welfare Service - Service point
- 1030 Vienna, Rüdengasse 11
Public transport information - Phone: +43 1 4000-80 11
- Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8am to 3.30pm
- E-Mail:
Further information
- Staff of the Child and Youth Welfare Service (Kinder- und Jugendhilfe)
- Children, young people and family (German)
City of Vienna | Child and Youth Welfare Service
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