German language and basic education courses for women

In Vienna, women can attend women-only German language courses where you learn how to read and write in German and improve your maths and computer skills. The courses are free of charge and include childcare if needed.

"Mum learns German!" - for women and mothers

Eine Frau schreibt an eine Tafel.

German is not your first language? You have learned how to read and write in a different alphabet? You only attended school for a few years and want to improve your skills for the Austrian labour market? You should visit "Mum learns German!" courses!

"Mum learns German!" courses are offered by several course providers in Vienna.


If you want to participate in a "Mum learns German!" course, please directly contact one of the course providers.

Course providers - Mum learns German!

Other course providers

The following course providers also offer German language courses, basic education courses, and literacy courses:

Further information

Logos Initiative Erwachsenenbildung, Europäische Union und Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung

All basic education courses are funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, and the City of Vienna (Municipal Department 17) in the framework of Level Up - Adult Education.

Contact for this page:
City of Vienna | Intergration and Diversity
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