September 2025 - Intercultural calendar

The calendar provides an overview of public holidays, traditional and religious holidays and international commemoration days without intending to be exhaustive.

4 September: Mawlid an-Nabi - Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad - Islam
Muslims meet in private settings and in mosques to commemorate the birth of Muhammad and to remember the life, teaching and example of the Prophet.
23 to 24 September: Rosh HaShana - Judaism
The Jewish New Year is the beginning of a ten-day period of reflection (see Yom Kippur). On the first day of the New Year, the shofar (a ram's horn) is blown which is a call to repentance. Apples dipped in honey are eaten during a festive dinner to symbolise the desire for a "sweet" year. The traditional New Year's blessing is "May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year". The year 5786 after the creation of the world starts in the Jewish calendar.
28 September: Durga Puja, Beginning of Navratri - Hinduism
Beginning of a ten-day festival in honour of Goddess Durga. Festivals, concerts, dances and processions are held to celebrate the arrival of the Goddess Durga. It is also a social and not purely a religious event.
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