Start-up Support for persons entitled to asylum or subsidiary protection

Persons and families entitled to asylum (Asylberechtigte) and persons entitled to subsidiary protection (subsidiär Schutzberechtigte) receive support and advice for up to two years via the Start-up Support (Startbegleitung) of Interface Wien. The programme starts as soon as primary care (Grundversorgung) ends.

Persons entitled to asylum or subsidiary protection receive information and advice in individual counselling sessions to address the challenges of everyday life and get support for a good start in their new hometown.

  • Basic means of living (basic benefit, child benefit, et cetera)
  • Searching for an apartment/home
  • Learning German, education and training opportunities
  • Looking for work and a suitable workplace (employment law questions, et cetera)
  • Searching for a place in kindergarten or school
  • Education and training of young people after compulsory schooling
  • Healthcare
  • Family law issues (divorce, separation, parental responsibility/child custody, et cetera)
  • Gender issues

The Start-up Support for Asylum and Subsidiary Protection Beneficiaries (Startbegleitung für Asyl- und subsidiär Schutzberechtigte) by Interface Wien is funded by the City of Vienna's Department for Integration and Diversity (MA 17), the City of Vienna's Department for Social Welfare, Social and Public Health Law (MA 40), and the Vienna Social Fund (Fonds Soziales Wien, FSW).

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