Award ceremony for the "Schreibreich" writing competition

Winners and organisers of the "Schreibreich" writing competition

The award ceremony for the "Schreibreich" writing competition took place at the Austrian Cultural Forum in Bratislava on 17 May 2024. The event was organised by the OeAD lecturers Nicole Prosser (Prešov, Slovakia) and Bettina Steinbauer (Pilsen, Czech Republic) with the help of lecturers from both countries. The evening was rounded off by a concert by the Austrian musicians Viola & Sarita.

Writing competition "Schreibreich"

Students from both countries were invited to submit either short or long texts on the topic of transformation. 3 June 2024 marks the 100th anniversary of Franz Kafka's death. In his story "The Metamorphosis", the protagonist Gregor Samsa becomes a vermin. This year's topic for the writing competition was inspired by this. Participants were free to interpret the theme in any way they liked. Texts were submitted in the areas of personality, environment, society or metamorphosis. The anonymised contributions were sent to a four-member jury. The first-place winners won a trip to Vienna, the second-place winners a weekend in Linz and the third-place winners a book voucher from the Heyn bookshop.

The OeAD lectureship programme

The Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD) lectureship programme is a mobility programme for teaching the Austrian-German language, Austrian literature and Austrian studies at foreign universities. The lecturers come from a range of different fields of study. The programme is financed by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and is implemented by the OeAD on the basis of funding agreements with foreign university institutes and higher education institutions.

Teaching for a few years helps lecturers build long-lasting connections between Austria and the host country. It's a great way to share Austrian culture and science in the higher education sector abroad. Lecturers also organise lots of activities and events. The OeAD lecturing programme currently has around 90 locations in 30 countries, across 16 time zones and 4 continents.

The OeAD lectureships are also partners in the City of Vienna's international activities.

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