Delegation from Lyon visiting Vienna

6 persons on a terrace with plants

A high-ranking delegation from Lyon visited Vienna on occasion of the opening of the EuroGames 2024. Europe’s largest LGBTIQ+ sports event will take place in Lyon next year.

Before the opening ceremony on Karlsplatz in Vienna, the Mayor of Lyon met with Ernst Woller, President of the Vienna Provincial Parliament, who showed him around the recently refurbished and reopened Wien Museum.

Varied programme

The Mayor of Lyon together with two Deputy Mayors and a District Chairperson participated in a wide-ranging programme covering their many interests:

  • Meeting with the City of Vienna's Human Rights Officer on the topics of human rights, anti-Semitism and culture of remembrance
  • Meeting with experts from the City of Vienna’s Financial Affairs Department on the topic of gender-responsive budgeting
  • Guided tour of Vienna's 11th district of Simmering with a focus on urban development held by an expert of the City of Vienna's Housing Promotion Department
  • Presentation of the Vienna Model of social housing at the headquarters of Wiener Wohnen, the City of Vienna's municipal housing provider

A reception at the French embassy in Vienna rounded off the visit.

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