Mandatory residence registration (Meldepflicht)

If you move to Austria from abroad or if you move to a new home (flat or house) within Austria, you need to register (anmelden) at your new address within three days of moving in. The property management (Hausverwaltung), owner or lessor of the house or flat you live in will not do this for you.
If you move out of a flat or house, you need to de-register (abmelden) within three days before or after moving out.
You can register or de-register at any Residence Registration Service Centre (Meldeservicestelle) in Vienna. (German)
The staff of the Residence Registration Service Centre will check your documents and record your new home address in the Central Residence Register (Zentrales Melderegister). Once the residence registration procedure is completed, you will receive a residence registration certificate (Bestätigung der Meldung).
- Registration (Anmelden)
You have to register at your new address three days after moving into your new flat or house at the latest, irrespective of when you sign your rental agreement (Mietvertrag) or get your keys to your new home. Please note that you cannot register at your new address before moving in! - De-registration (Abmelden)
You have to de-register three days before or, at the latest, three days after moving out of your flat or house.
Opening hours and addresses of the Residence Registration Service Centres (Meldeservicestelle), which are located at the Municipal District Offices in Vienna (Magistratische Bezirksämter) (German)
Documents required
- A completed residence registration form: Meldezettel (280 KB PDF) (German)
- Registration (Anmelden)
The residence registration form (Meldezettel) must be signed by you and the person, who owns the flat or house you live in or rents it to you. This person could be the owner (or the property management/Hausverwaltung) signing for you as the main tenant. Or it could be the main tenant signing for you as their flat mate. - De-registration (Abmelden)
A completed residence registration form (Meldezettel) signed by you.
- Registration (Anmelden)
- Documents and personal documents containing the following data: name, surname/family name, family name before your first marriage (maiden name), date of birth, place of birth, gender, nationality (e.g. driving licence, citizenship certificate, passport, birth certificate) and, if applicable, any other names.
- Non-Austrian citizens need to submit a valid travel document (e.g. passport) when registering at their new address.
Residence registration procedures are free of charge. Once the residence registration procedure is completed, you will receive a residence registration certificate (Bestätigung der Meldung). If you need further certificates, you will be charged a fee for each copy:
- an application fee of EUR 14.30 (not in case of an oral application)
- an extra fee of EUR 14.30 if the certificate is NOT addressed to a particular person or authority (except the applicants themselves)
- and a federal administrative charge of EUR 3
Further information Edition
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