The Water Main Museum Kaiserbrunn
- 2651 Reichenau/Rax, Kaiserbrunn 5
- Opening hours: 1 May to early November: Saturdays, Sundays and holidays 10am to 4.30pm
- Admission: free
Guided Tours
For groups of at least 10 persons also outside the regular opening hours, only against prior appointment:
- Contact: Lisa Wagenhofer
- Phone: +43 1 4000-31760
- E-Mail:
Admission: EUR 50
Families with NÖ-Familienpass or NÖ-Card: EUR 25
Public educational institutions (e.g. schools): free
- History and construction of the First Vienna Spring Water Main and of Vienna’s drinking water supply from 1869 to the present
- Technology and water protection
- Open-air exhibition
- 7 exhibition rooms/950 exhibits
Weiterführende Informationen
- Water Supply Museum - 1,3 MB PDF
City of Vienna | Vienna Water
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