Environmental management - a key task of the Vienna Ombuds Office for Environmental Protection
The City of Vienna assumed a pioneering role in this field by launching its Environmental Management Programme (PUMA) as early as in 1996.
For businesses just as for public authorities, environmental management is a way of improving their impact on the natural environment. It aims to minimize energy and water consumption as well as the amount of waste generated, thereby reducing costs at the same time.
The PUMA Programme is coordinated by Dominik Schreiber, a staff member of the Vienna Ombuds Office for Environmental Protection.
It is designed to support and implement the following objectives:
- Continuously improving the environmental impact of the Vienna City Administration in terms of resource efficiency, emissions and indirect environmental effects.
- Raising awareness for environmental issues, both among City Administration staff and among the public
- Making a major contribution to attaining the City of Vienna climate protection objectives
- Reducing costs by cutting energy consumption
- Creating a viable basis for dialogue with other decision makers (local businesses and citizens)
- Improving organisational processes
Further Information
City of Vienna | Vienna Ombuds-Office for Environmental Protection
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