Environmental Law - a key task of the Vienna Ombuds Office for Environmental Protection
The Ombuds Office is integrated in all legislative projects in the field of environmental law at federal, provincial and municipal level. It draws up opinions and comments on draft legislation referred to it by federal ministries in the framework of their external assessment procedures.
Specific tasks
The Ombuds Office is in charge of attending negotiation meetings and issuing opinions on ecologically relevant procedures, e.g. under the Vienna Tree Preservation Act, as well as asserting Vienna’s statutory right to consultation e.g. in matters under the Vienna National Parks Act. The Ombuds Office also promotes its objectives by participating in different working groups to draw up recommendations for political decision makers at the federal or provincial level. Its operative tasks further include the provision of legal counselling for citizens in environmental matters.
Locus standi and right to legal remedy
The Ombuds Office has locus standi, i.e. legal standing as a party, and the right to remedy in proceedings under certain federal or provincial laws.
- Act on Environmental Impact Assessment (German)
- Vienna Waste Management Act 2002 (German)
- Vienna Nature Conservation Act (German)
- Vienna Building Code (German)
City of Vienna | Vienna Ombuds-Office for Environmental Protection
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