Vienna Dog Licence (Wiener Hundeführschein)

Not all dog owners have to take the Vienna Dog Licence exam. There is a difference regarding dog breeds: the exam is only required if you own a so-called "Listenhund".

Obligatory dog licence

You are legally required to take the Vienna Dog Licence exam if your dog’s breed (or mix) is on the following list

  • American Staffordshire Terrier
  • Bullterrier
  • Dogo Argentino
  • Fila Brasileiro (Brazilian Mastiff)
  • Mastiff, Bull Mastiff
  • Mastin Espanol (Spanish Mastiff)
  • Mastino Neapoletano (Neapolitan Mastiff)
  • Pit Bull Terrier
  • Rottweiler
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  • Tosa Inu
  • and all mixes of these breeds

Please note that not all dog breeds are recognized by the FCI as independent breeds. One example of such a breed is the American Bully. Depending on their pedigree, such dogs can be interpreted as a crossbreed of listed dogs and therefore require a dog license.


The Exam

The Vienna Dog Licence exam is a multiple choice test that checks the owner’s knowledge on dogs and correct dog handling.

Handling and training status are determined in an almost distraction-free environment:

  • Leashing and muzzling the dog
  • Checking the dog’s ears and paws
  • Leash behaviour
  • Commanding the dog to sit or lie down with or without a leash
  • Simulating a walk in a big city:
  • Coping with everyday situations in the big city and considering
  • Conflict-free behaviour in public
  • Legal regulations
  • Animal-friendly contact with the dog

The exam tasks should basically be adapted to the abilities of the dog as defined by the dog owner. At the same time we want to make sure that the dogs do not associate certain everyday situations with negative experiences. The Dog Licence is therefore a sign and proof that dog owners take their responsibilities towards people and other dogs seriously. This, in turn, will add to the positive image of dogs and dog owners in general.

Please note that dogs must be at least six months old at the time of the exam.

Good preparation is essential

As for any other exam, good preparation is the best way to success. In cooperation with experts, the Ombuds Office for Animal Protection has prepared a manual on the Vienna Dog Licence. It covers all important aspects of dog ownership in Vienna ranging from legal regulations to recognising and understanding the animal’s body language. In addition to the manual, the complete catalogue including all questions and answers of the multiple choice test is available as learning material for everyone interested.

Information material and folder

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City of Vienna | Ombuds Office for Animal Protection
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