Sports in Vienna

Running is now for the masses, as Vienna has also seen in recent years. More than 25,000 runners from 80 nations participated in last year’s Vienna City Marathon, Austria’s biggest running event. Apart from the Prater park with its popular running mile, the long Hauptallee, there are numerous other routes and tracks in and around Vienna.
A recent addition to running comfort in Vienna are well-signposted running tracks complete with useful information and milestones. Running Checkpoints (German) is a signposting system for running tracks. Beginning and end of each track are marked by conspicuous, clearly visible signs, the so-called Checkpoints. These contain information on the track course, length, difficulty and a detailed track description.
- Running events (German)
- - Alles über Ausdauersport (German)
- My Runnersworld (German)
Inline skating

Inline skates are more than a useful means of transportation. Skating is an excellent way of combining fun and fitness. Balancing on the narrow wheels means perfect training for coordination, strength and speed of reaction. There are numerous skating events in Vienna. Friday Night skating on Heldenplatz every Friday at 9 p.m. from May to September. The Austria Skate Marathon in summer and the Vienna Inline Marathon in autumn.
- (German)
- Austrian Inline Skating Club (German)

Climbing in the city? Yes, it is possible right here in Vienna. Climbing has become a popular sports and leisure-time activity for city folk as well. Artificial climbing walls are just as welcome as the "real thing".
The Kletterzentrum Flakturm offers more than 20 climbing routes up the Flak (anti-aircraft defence) tower in the Esterhazypark. The routes are suitable for beginners and experts. At the top of the tower you are rewarded with excellent views of Vienna’s rooftops. Equipment can be rented at the climbing wall.
Alpenverein (Alpine association) and Touristenklub (Tourist club) climbing halls offer year-round climbing fun (bad weather and winter as well). They are within easy reach and some are even close to the city centre.
The Alpine Club Vienna offers hiking, biking, climbing and ski tours for English speaking people living in Vienna.
Climbing halls
- Austria climbing hall (German)
- Edelweiss Center (German)
- Austrian Tourist club (German)
- Climbing halls in Austria
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