Libraries in Vienna

Libraries in Vienna are a customer-oriented service organisation with a vast range of up-to-date quality media to choose from plus specific advisory services for all their users. The libraries were established by the City of Vienna as a major source of information and education and to promote cultural and leisure time activities. They are part of a worldwide network of libraries.
There is a network of 38 branches offering well over 1.4 million media. About 47,000 of the more than 1.3 million books are foreign-language books. Along with books and magazines you may also borrow CDs, CD-ROMs, audio cassettes, DVDs, Blu-ray Discs and console games.
The main library directly above underground station Burggasse - Stadthalle is much more than a borrowing library. Its pleasing design, long opening hours, reading areas and work stations for the different media will make you want to stay a while. Take a break from the books and enjoy splendid views of Vienna from the café on the roof. Edition
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