Population and surface of Vienna's municipal districts 2019 *
Municipal district | Surface in ha | Total | Men | Women |
Vienna | 41.487,00 | 1.897.491 | 925.003 | 972.488 |
1. Innere Stadt | 286,9 | 16.306 | 7.849 | 8.457 |
2. Leopoldstadt | 1.924,20 | 104.946 | 51.702 | 53.244 |
3. Landstraße | 739,8 | 91.745 | 44.500 | 47.245 |
4. Wieden | 177,5 | 33.263 | 16.109 | 17.154 |
5. Margareten | 201,2 | 55.407 | 27.473 | 27.934 |
6. Mariahilf | 145,5 | 31.864 | 15.579 | 16.285 |
7. Neubau | 160,8 | 32.288 | 15.558 | 16.730 |
8. Josefstadt | 109 | 25.466 | 12.682 | 12.784 |
9. Alsergrund | 296,7 | 41.958 | 20.153 | 21.805 |
10. Favoriten | 3.182,20 | 204.142 | 101.964 | 102.178 |
11. Simmering | 2.325,60 | 103.008 | 50.663 | 52.345 |
12. Meidling | 810,3 | 97.634 | 47.955 | 49.679 |
13. Hietzing | 3.771,50 | 53.778 | 25.176 | 28.602 |
14. Penzing | 3.376,30 | 92.990 | 45.262 | 47.728 |
15. Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus | 391,8 | 77.621 | 39.163 | 38.458 |
16. Ottakring | 867,3 | 103.785 | 51.580 | 52.205 |
17.Hernals | 1.139,10 | 57.292 | 28.177 | 29.115 |
18. Währing | 634,7 | 51.587 | 24.035 | 27.552 |
19. Döbling | 2.494,40 | 72.947 | 34.001 | 38.946 |
20. Brigittenau | 571 | 86.502 | 42.876 | 43.626 |
21. Floridsdorf | 4.444,30 | 165.673 | 80.259 | 85.414 |
22. Donaustadt | 10.229,90 | 191.008 | 91.740 | 99.268 |
23. Liesing | 3.206,80 | 106.281 | 50.547 | 55.734 |
Source: Statistics Austria, calculation: Municipal Department 23; Municipal Department 18.
* Population at the beginning of the year 2019.
City of Vienna | Economic Affairs, Labour and Statistics
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