Manual "Gender mainstreaming made easy"

The City of Vienna has prepared a manual on gender mainstreaming: "Gender mainstreaming made easy. Practical advice for more gender equality in the Vienna City Administration ".

Book cover "Gender Mainstreaming leichtgemacht"

Gender equality is such an important issue it is worth our while to consider gender aspects when planning new measures.

Following two successful awareness-raising campaigns this third project wants to give hands-on support to all employees of the City of Vienna. The manual is a digital reference book full of practical advice checklists that will make gender mainstreaming at work a lot easier. Its aim is to focus employees’ attention on the living and working conditions of women and men when planning, implementing and assessing measures.

Differentiated analysis

Erich Hechtner, Chief Executive Director of the Vienna City Administration:

This allows us to make a differentiated analysis of the clients who use our services and leave a lasting mark on quality assurance.


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City of Vienna | Office for Gender Mainstreaming
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