The City Information is the central information centre of the City Council. It offers information, brochures and leaflets of any kind. more
Mandatory residence registration
If you move to Austria from abroad or if you move to a new home (flat or house) within Austria, you need to register (anmelden) at your new address within three days of moving in. more
City Hall
The City Hall is one of the most splendid amongst the numerous monumental buildings. Today the City Hall is the head office of Vienna's municipal administration. more
Administrative structure
The City of Vienna is both the national capital of Austria and one of Austria’s federal provinces. It is by far the largest municipality in the country. more
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Vienna in Figures
4,478 naturalisations were counted in Vienna in 2022. Source: City of Vienna Statistical Yearbook 2023
1.98 million inhabitants was the total population of Vienna in 2023. Source: City of Vienna Statistical Yearbook 2023
9,317 couples got married in Vienna in 2022. Source: City of Vienna Statistical Yearbook 2023