The Viennese Database for Disinfectants (WIDES Database)

A woman disinfects a handle in a hospital

The WIDES Database

  • is an industry-independent information system of the ecological procurement program ÖkoKauf Wien of the City of Vienna in cooperation with partners.
  • facilitates the legally required consideration of effectiveness, occupational safety and environmental protection in the procurement and safe use of disinfectants in the hospital and care sector.
  • contains information on independently tested efficacies, as well as occupational health and safety and environmental protection properties of commercially available disinfectants and their ingredients.
  • enables product comparisons in relevant application areas at the click of a mouse.

WIDES Database - Sign-on


For technical suggestions and questions about the database, as well as applications for product inclusion, please send an E-Mail to:

Training Videos

Inclusion of disinfectants in the database

Disinfectant manufacturers who would like to have their products integrated into the database can apply to the Vienna Ombuds Office for Environmental Protection (WUA).

WIDES Database for disinfectant manufacturers

  • Overview of disinfectants included lists more than 300 products with independently tested efficacy, including a traffic light assessment of the active ingredients used. Particularly problematic ingredients are visible at first glance due to red colouring.
  • Overview of assessed ingredients provides a colour-coded overview of the current hazard classification of over 200 ingredients.
  • Hand disinfection during pregnancy: The products listed in an overview of hand disinfectants for pregnant workers meet the criteria of the Ministry Decree BMASK-461.308/0016-VII/A/4/2016


The Folder "The WIDES Database for Choosing Disinfectants" is available as download or as a printed copy. It can be ordered for free online or by phone (+43 1 4000-73420) or by E-Mail:

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Project partners

The WIDES-Database was and is further developed and updated by the Vienna Ombuds Office for Environmental Protection (WUA) as part of ÖkoKauf Wien in cooperation with

Awards and Recommendations


The following english publications may deepen the understanding of WIDES:

Contact for this page:
City of Vienna | Environmental Protection
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