All results for Vienna

All results for Vienna
Elections to the Vienna City Council 2010

All results for Vienna
Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 1144510 1142126 2384  
Votes cast 774079 694515 79564 67.63% 60.81% + 6.82%
Valid votes 754938 679565 75373 97.53% 97.85% - 0.32%
Invalid votes 19141 14950 4191 2.47% 2.15% + 0.32%
SPÖ 334757 333611 1146 44.34% 49.09% - 4.75%
ÖVP 105627 127531 -21904 13.99% 18.77% - 4.78%
Grüne 95445 99432 -3987 12.64% 14.63% - 1.99%
FPÖ 194517 100780 93737 25.77% 14.83% + 10.94%
BZÖ 10057 7824 2233 1.33% 1.15% + 0.18%
KPÖ 8425 9969 -1544 1.12% 1.47% - 0.35%
LIF 5192 0 5192 0.69% 0.00% + 0.69%
MUT 514 0 514 0.07% 0.00% + 0.07%
SLP 73 124 -51 0.01% 0.02% - 0.01%
DEM 331 0 331 0.04% 0.00% + 0.04%

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Elections to the Vienna City Council 2010

Zentrum (Innere Stadt, Wieden, Margareten, Mariahilf)
Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 85906 88350 -2444  
Votes cast 58072 52648 5424 67.60% 59.59% + 8.01%
Valid votes 56917 51621 5296 98.01% 98.05% - 0.04%
Invalid votes 1155 1027 128 1.99% 1.95% + 0.04%
SPÖ 22591 19574 3017 39.69% 37.92% + 1.77%
ÖVP 10694 12897 -2203 18.79% 24.98% - 6.19%
Grüne 11603 12188 -585 20.39% 23.61% - 3.22%
FPÖ 9616 5446 4170 16.89% 10.55% + 6.34%
BZÖ 702 519 183 1.23% 1.01% + 0.22%
KPÖ 791 873 -82 1.39% 1.69% - 0.30%
LIF 632 0 632 1.11% 0.00% + 1.11%
MUT 288 0 288 0.51% 0.00% + 0.51%

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Innen-West (Neubau, Josefstadt, Alsergrund)
Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 63141 64333 -1192  
Votes cast 44358 39381 4977 70.25% 61.21% + 9.04%
Valid votes 43462 38653 4809 97.98% 98.15% - 0.17%
Invalid votes 896 728 168 2.02% 1.85% + 0.17%
SPÖ 16202 13140 3062 37.28% 33.99% + 3.29%
ÖVP 8269 9571 -1302 19.03% 24.76% - 5.73%
Grüne 10829 11318 -489 24.92% 29.28% - 4.36%
FPÖ 6150 3476 2674 14.15% 8.99% + 5.16%
BZÖ 638 394 244 1.47% 1.02% + 0.45%
KPÖ 595 754 -159 1.37% 1.95% - 0.58%
LIF 553 0 553 1.27% 0.00% + 1.27%
MUT 226 0 226 0.52% 0.00% + 0.52%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 58433 58792 -359  
Votes cast 38463 34705 3758 65.82% 59.03% + 6.79%
Valid votes 37647 33977 3670 97.88% 97.90% - 0.02%
Invalid votes 816 728 88 2.12% 2.10% + 0.02%
SPÖ 17171 16952 219 45.61% 49.89% - 4.28%
ÖVP 4148 5140 -992 11.02% 15.13% - 4.11%
Grüne 6399 6057 342 17.00% 17.83% - 0.83%
FPÖ 8466 4793 3673 22.49% 14.11% + 8.38%
BZÖ 479 390 89 1.27% 1.15% + 0.12%
KPÖ 661 645 16 1.76% 1.90% - 0.14%
LIF 323 0 323 0.86% 0.00% + 0.86%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 56526 57997 -1471  
Votes cast 38465 34749 3716 68.05% 59.92% + 8.13%
Valid votes 37422 34083 3339 97.29% 98.08% - 0.79%
Invalid votes 1043 666 377 2.71% 1.92% + 0.79%
SPÖ 16071 14745 1326 42.95% 43.26% - 0.31%
ÖVP 6189 7455 -1266 16.54% 21.87% - 5.33%
Grüne 6302 6585 -283 16.84% 19.32% - 2.48%
FPÖ 7548 4294 3254 20.17% 12.60% + 7.57%
BZÖ 489 362 127 1.31% 1.06% + 0.25%
KPÖ 498 642 -144 1.33% 1.88% - 0.55%
LIF 325 0 325 0.87% 0.00% + 0.87%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 112813 112718 95  
Votes cast 73317 67021 6296 64.99% 59.46% + 5.53%
Valid votes 71394 65466 5928 97.38% 97.68% - 0.30%
Invalid votes 1923 1555 368 2.62% 2.32% + 0.30%
SPÖ 34832 37769 -2937 48.79% 57.69% - 8.90%
ÖVP 6110 7920 -1810 8.56% 12.10% - 3.54%
Grüne 4393 5316 -923 6.15% 8.12% - 1.97%
FPÖ 24159 12829 11330 33.84% 19.60% + 14.24%
BZÖ 828 750 78 1.16% 1.15% + 0.01%
KPÖ 691 882 -191 0.97% 1.35% - 0.38%
LIF 381 0 381 0.53% 0.00% + 0.53%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 60054 57508 2546  
Votes cast 39538 34487 5051 65.84% 59.97% + 5.87%
Valid votes 38444 33681 4763 97.23% 97.66% - 0.43%
Invalid votes 1094 806 288 2.77% 2.34% + 0.43%
SPÖ 18831 20478 -1647 48.98% 60.80% - 11.82%
ÖVP 2890 3583 -693 7.52% 10.64% - 3.12%
Grüne 2197 2478 -281 5.71% 7.36% - 1.65%
FPÖ 13648 6339 7309 35.50% 18.82% + 16.68%
BZÖ 315 363 -48 0.82% 1.08% - 0.26%
KPÖ 358 440 -82 0.93% 1.31% - 0.38%
LIF 205 0 205 0.53% 0.00% + 0.53%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 56897 56805 92  
Votes cast 36737 33610 3127 64.57% 59.17% + 5.40%
Valid votes 35821 32794 3027 97.51% 97.57% - 0.06%
Invalid votes 916 816 100 2.49% 2.43% + 0.06%
SPÖ 16867 17155 -288 47.09% 52.31% - 5.22%
ÖVP 4123 5252 -1129 11.51% 16.02% - 4.51%
Grüne 3973 4092 -119 11.09% 12.48% - 1.39%
FPÖ 9691 5413 4278 27.05% 16.51% + 10.54%
BZÖ 478 402 76 1.33% 1.23% + 0.10%
KPÖ 416 480 -64 1.16% 1.46% - 0.30%
LIF 273 0 273 0.76% 0.00% + 0.76%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 39046 41010 -1964  
Votes cast 28586 27283 1303 73.21% 66.53% + 6.68%
Valid votes 27911 26629 1282 97.64% 97.60% + 0.04%
Invalid votes 675 654 21 2.36% 2.40% - 0.04%
SPÖ 9750 9742 8 34.93% 36.58% - 1.65%
ÖVP 8035 9248 -1213 28.79% 34.73% - 5.94%
Grüne 3775 4144 -369 13.53% 15.56% - 2.03%
FPÖ 5521 2930 2591 19.78% 11.00% + 8.78%
BZÖ 566 261 305 2.03% 0.98% + 1.05%
KPÖ 264 304 -40 0.95% 1.14% - 0.19%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 60376 60502 -126  
Votes cast 41305 37455 3850 68.41% 61.91% + 6.50%
Valid votes 40289 36743 3546 97.54% 98.10% - 0.56%
Invalid votes 1016 712 304 2.46% 1.90% + 0.56%
SPÖ 17030 16812 218 42.27% 45.76% - 3.49%
ÖVP 6578 7952 -1374 16.33% 21.64% - 5.31%
Grüne 5430 5588 -158 13.48% 15.21% - 1.73%
FPÖ 9931 5455 4476 24.65% 14.85% + 9.80%
BZÖ 602 403 199 1.49% 1.10% + 0.39%
KPÖ 401 533 -132 1.00% 1.45% - 0.45%
LIF 317 0 317 0.79% 0.00% + 0.79%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 40529 40848 -319  
Votes cast 25438 22679 2759 62.76% 55.52% + 7.24%
Valid votes 24821 22253 2568 97.57% 98.12% - 0.55%
Invalid votes 617 426 191 2.43% 1.88% + 0.55%
SPÖ 11750 11358 392 47.34% 51.04% - 3.70%
ÖVP 2429 3073 -644 9.79% 13.81% - 4.02%
Grüne 4015 3646 369 16.18% 16.38% - 0.20%
FPÖ 5966 3540 2426 24.04% 15.91% + 8.13%
BZÖ 295 249 46 1.19% 1.12% + 0.07%
KPÖ 366 387 -21 1.47% 1.74% - 0.27%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 58247 58962 -715  
Votes cast 38801 35294 3507 66.61% 59.86% + 6.75%
Valid votes 37808 34488 3320 97.44% 97.72% - 0.28%
Invalid votes 993 806 187 2.56% 2.28% + 0.28%
SPÖ 17695 17755 -60 46.80% 51.48% - 4.68%
ÖVP 4253 5463 -1210 11.25% 15.84% - 4.59%
Grüne 5302 4948 354 14.02% 14.35% - 0.33%
FPÖ 9329 5455 3874 24.67% 15.82% + 8.85%
BZÖ 469 356 113 1.24% 1.03% + 0.21%
KPÖ 455 511 -56 1.20% 1.48% - 0.28%
LIF 305 0 305 0.81% 0.00% + 0.81%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 33312 33381 -69  
Votes cast 22444 20106 2338 67.38% 60.23% + 7.15%
Valid votes 21987 19592 2395 97.96% 97.44% + 0.52%
Invalid votes 457 514 -57 2.04% 2.56% - 0.52%
SPÖ 8898 8328 570 40.47% 42.51% - 2.04%
ÖVP 3660 4395 -735 16.65% 22.43% - 5.78%
Grüne 3673 3462 211 16.71% 17.67% - 0.96%
FPÖ 4930 2912 2018 22.42% 14.86% + 7.56%
BZÖ 356 218 138 1.62% 1.11% + 0.51%
KPÖ 269 277 -8 1.22% 1.41% - 0.19%
LIF 201 0 201 0.91% 0.00% + 0.91%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 32500 32826 -326  
Votes cast 22933 20712 2221 70.56% 63.10% + 7.46%
Valid votes 22394 20278 2116 97.65% 97.90% - 0.25%
Invalid votes 539 434 105 2.35% 2.10% + 0.25%
SPÖ 7516 6579 937 33.56% 32.44% + 1.12%
ÖVP 5604 6693 -1089 25.02% 33.01% - 7.99%
Grüne 4620 4465 155 20.63% 22.02% - 1.39%
FPÖ 3776 2099 1677 16.86% 10.35% + 6.51%
BZÖ 346 180 166 1.55% 0.89% + 0.66%
KPÖ 242 262 -20 1.08% 1.29% - 0.21%
LIF 290 0 290 1.29% 0.00% + 1.29%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 49396 50159 -763  
Votes cast 34868 31949 2919 70.59% 63.70% + 6.89%
Valid votes 33976 31173 2803 97.44% 97.57% - 0.13%
Invalid votes 892 776 116 2.56% 2.43% + 0.13%
SPÖ 12908 11865 1043 37.99% 38.06% - 0.07%
ÖVP 8982 10447 -1465 26.44% 33.51% - 7.07%
Grüne 4299 4599 -300 12.65% 14.75% - 2.10%
FPÖ 6861 3634 3227 20.19% 11.66% + 8.53%
BZÖ 623 302 321 1.83% 0.97% + 0.86%
KPÖ 303 326 -23 0.89% 1.05% - 0.16%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 50440 51200 -760  
Votes cast 32564 29735 2829 64.56% 58.08% + 6.48%
Valid votes 31748 29103 2645 97.49% 97.87% - 0.38%
Invalid votes 816 632 184 2.51% 2.13% + 0.38%
SPÖ 15750 16494 -744 49.61% 56.67% - 7.06%
ÖVP 2667 3522 -855 8.40% 12.10% - 3.70%
Grüne 3314 3389 -75 10.44% 11.64% - 1.20%
FPÖ 8990 4891 4099 28.32% 16.81% + 11.51%
BZÖ 349 344 5 1.10% 1.18% - 0.08%
KPÖ 358 463 -105 1.13% 1.59% - 0.46%
LIF 247 0 247 0.78% 0.00% + 0.78%
SLP 73 0 73 0.23% 0.00% + 0.23%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 103086 101076 2010  
Votes cast 69788 62006 7782 67.70% 61.35% + 6.35%
Valid votes 67967 60588 7379 97.39% 97.71% - 0.32%
Invalid votes 1821 1418 403 2.61% 2.29% + 0.32%
SPÖ 32025 34998 -2973 47.12% 57.76% - 10.64%
ÖVP 6509 7947 -1438 9.58% 13.12% - 3.54%
Grüne 4867 5495 -628 7.16% 9.07% - 1.91%
FPÖ 22607 10292 12315 33.26% 16.99% + 16.27%
BZÖ 911 1055 -144 1.34% 1.74% - 0.40%
KPÖ 639 801 -162 0.94% 1.32% - 0.38%
LIF 409 0 409 0.60% 0.00% + 0.60%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 113806 107508 6298  
Votes cast 78475 66486 11989 68.96% 61.84% + 7.12%
Valid votes 76321 65111 11210 97.26% 97.93% - 0.67%
Invalid votes 2154 1375 779 2.74% 2.07% + 0.67%
SPÖ 37155 37600 -445 48.68% 57.75% - 9.07%
ÖVP 7204 8504 -1300 9.44% 13.06% - 3.62%
Grüne 5652 6421 -769 7.41% 9.86% - 2.45%
FPÖ 23971 10696 13275 31.41% 16.43% + 14.98%
BZÖ 892 776 116 1.17% 1.19% - 0.02%
KPÖ 714 820 -106 0.94% 1.26% - 0.32%
LIF 402 0 402 0.53% 0.00% + 0.53%
DEM 331 0 331 0.43% 0.00% + 0.43%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 70002 68151 1851  
Votes cast 49927 44209 5718 71.32% 64.87% + 6.45%
Valid votes 48609 43332 5277 97.36% 98.02% - 0.66%
Invalid votes 1318 877 441 2.64% 1.98% + 0.66%
SPÖ 21715 22267 -552 44.67% 51.39% - 6.72%
ÖVP 7283 8469 -1186 14.98% 19.54% - 4.56%
Grüne 4802 5241 -439 9.88% 12.09% - 2.21%
FPÖ 13357 6286 7071 27.48% 14.51% + 12.97%
BZÖ 719 500 219 1.48% 1.15% + 0.33%
KPÖ 404 569 -165 0.83% 1.31% - 0.48%
LIF 329 0 329 0.68% 0.00% + 0.68%

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Polling districts
Elections to the Vienna City Council 2010

Innere Stadt
Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 12092 12869 -777  
Votes cast 8336 7777 559 68.94% 60.43% + 8.51%
Valid votes 8176 7620 556 98.08% 97.98% + 0.10%
Invalid votes 160 157 3 1.92% 2.02% - 0.10%
SPÖ 2541 2205 336 31.08% 28.94% + 2.14%
ÖVP 2683 3151 -468 32.82% 41.35% - 8.53%
Grüne 1349 1482 -133 16.50% 19.45% - 2.95%
FPÖ 1255 598 657 15.35% 7.85% + 7.50%
BZÖ 132 96 36 1.61% 1.26% + 0.35%
KPÖ 69 81 -12 0.84% 1.06% - 0.22%
LIF 118 0 118 1.44% 0.00% + 1.44%
MUT 29 0 29 0.35% 0.00% + 0.35%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 58433 58792 -359  
Votes cast 38463 34705 3758 65.82% 59.03% + 6.79%
Valid votes 37647 33977 3670 97.88% 97.90% - 0.02%
Invalid votes 816 728 88 2.12% 2.10% + 0.02%
SPÖ 17171 16952 219 45.61% 49.89% - 4.28%
ÖVP 4148 5140 -992 11.02% 15.13% - 4.11%
Grüne 6399 6057 342 17.00% 17.83% - 0.83%
FPÖ 8466 4793 3673 22.49% 14.11% + 8.38%
BZÖ 479 390 89 1.27% 1.15% + 0.12%
KPÖ 661 645 16 1.76% 1.90% - 0.14%
LIF 323 0 323 0.86% 0.00% + 0.86%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 56526 57997 -1471  
Votes cast 38465 34749 3716 68.05% 59.92% + 8.13%
Valid votes 37422 34083 3339 97.29% 98.08% - 0.79%
Invalid votes 1043 666 377 2.71% 1.92% + 0.79%
SPÖ 16071 14745 1326 42.95% 43.26% - 0.31%
ÖVP 6189 7455 -1266 16.54% 21.87% - 5.33%
Grüne 6302 6585 -283 16.84% 19.32% - 2.48%
FPÖ 7548 4294 3254 20.17% 12.60% + 7.57%
BZÖ 489 362 127 1.31% 1.06% + 0.25%
KPÖ 498 642 -144 1.33% 1.88% - 0.55%
LIF 325 0 325 0.87% 0.00% + 0.87%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 20579 21110 -531  
Votes cast 14352 13110 1242 69.74% 62.10% + 7.64%
Valid votes 14035 12864 1171 97.79% 98.12% - 0.33%
Invalid votes 317 246 71 2.21% 1.88% + 0.33%
SPÖ 5210 4440 770 37.12% 34.51% + 2.61%
ÖVP 3018 3637 -619 21.50% 28.27% - 6.77%
Grüne 3059 3234 -175 21.80% 25.14% - 3.34%
FPÖ 2211 1210 1001 15.75% 9.41% + 6.34%
BZÖ 184 133 51 1.31% 1.03% + 0.28%
KPÖ 153 182 -29 1.09% 1.41% - 0.32%
LIF 141 0 141 1.00% 0.00% + 1.00%
MUT 59 0 59 0.42% 0.00% + 0.42%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 32856 33458 -602  
Votes cast 21474 19302 2172 65.36% 57.69% + 7.67%
Valid votes 21037 18887 2150 97.96% 97.85% + 0.11%
Invalid votes 437 415 22 2.04% 2.15% - 0.11%
SPÖ 9382 8503 879 44.60% 45.02% - 0.42%
ÖVP 2708 3197 -489 12.87% 16.93% - 4.06%
Grüne 3971 4079 -108 18.88% 21.60% - 2.72%
FPÖ 4109 2490 1619 19.53% 13.18% + 6.35%
BZÖ 236 196 40 1.12% 1.04% + 0.08%
KPÖ 349 365 -16 1.66% 1.93% - 0.27%
LIF 186 0 186 0.88% 0.00% + 0.88%
MUT 96 0 96 0.46% 0.00% + 0.46%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 20379 20913 -534  
Votes cast 13910 12459 1451 68.26% 59.58% + 8.68%
Valid votes 13669 12250 1419 98.27% 98.32% - 0.05%
Invalid votes 241 209 32 1.73% 1.68% + 0.05%
SPÖ 5458 4426 1032 39.93% 36.13% + 3.80%
ÖVP 2285 2912 -627 16.72% 23.77% - 7.05%
Grüne 3224 3393 -169 23.59% 27.70% - 4.11%
FPÖ 2041 1148 893 14.93% 9.37% + 5.56%
BZÖ 150 94 56 1.10% 0.77% + 0.33%
KPÖ 220 245 -25 1.61% 2.00% - 0.39%
LIF 187 0 187 1.37% 0.00% + 1.37%
MUT 104 0 104 0.76% 0.00% + 0.76%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 20450 20546 -96  
Votes cast 14268 12639 1629 69.77% 61.52% + 8.25%
Valid votes 13999 12372 1627 98.11% 97.89% + 0.22%
Invalid votes 269 267 2 1.89% 2.11% - 0.22%
SPÖ 5309 4148 1161 37.92% 33.53% + 4.39%
ÖVP 2060 2507 -447 14.72% 20.26% - 5.54%
Grüne 4118 4290 -172 29.42% 34.68% - 5.26%
FPÖ 1878 1051 827 13.42% 8.49% + 4.93%
BZÖ 190 110 80 1.36% 0.89% + 0.47%
KPÖ 205 266 -61 1.46% 2.15% - 0.69%
LIF 157 0 157 1.12% 0.00% + 1.12%
MUT 82 0 82 0.59% 0.00% + 0.59%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 16052 16567 -515  
Votes cast 11762 10366 1396 73.27% 62.57% + 10.70%
Valid votes 11542 10246 1296 98.13% 98.84% - 0.71%
Invalid votes 220 120 100 1.87% 1.16% + 0.71%
SPÖ 3966 3210 756 34.36% 31.33% + 3.03%
ÖVP 2768 3011 -243 23.98% 29.39% - 5.41%
Grüne 2691 2842 -151 23.31% 27.74% - 4.43%
FPÖ 1552 885 667 13.45% 8.64% + 4.81%
BZÖ 197 122 75 1.71% 1.19% + 0.52%
KPÖ 147 176 -29 1.27% 1.72% - 0.45%
LIF 161 0 161 1.39% 0.00% + 1.39%
MUT 60 0 60 0.52% 0.00% + 0.52%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 26639 27220 -581  
Votes cast 18328 16376 1952 68.80% 60.16% + 8.64%
Valid votes 17921 16035 1886 97.78% 97.92% - 0.14%
Invalid votes 407 341 66 2.22% 2.08% + 0.14%
SPÖ 6927 5782 1145 38.65% 36.06% + 2.59%
ÖVP 3441 4053 -612 19.20% 25.28% - 6.08%
Grüne 4020 4186 -166 22.43% 26.11% - 3.68%
FPÖ 2720 1540 1180 15.18% 9.60% + 5.58%
BZÖ 251 162 89 1.40% 1.01% + 0.39%
KPÖ 243 312 -69 1.36% 1.95% - 0.59%
LIF 235 0 235 1.31% 0.00% + 1.31%
MUT 84 0 84 0.47% 0.00% + 0.47%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 112813 112718 95  
Votes cast 73317 67021 6296 64.99% 59.46% + 5.53%
Valid votes 71394 65466 5928 97.38% 97.68% - 0.30%
Invalid votes 1923 1555 368 2.62% 2.32% + 0.30%
SPÖ 34832 37769 -2937 48.79% 57.69% - 8.90%
ÖVP 6110 7920 -1810 8.56% 12.10% - 3.54%
Grüne 4393 5316 -923 6.15% 8.12% - 1.97%
FPÖ 24159 12829 11330 33.84% 19.60% + 14.24%
BZÖ 828 750 78 1.16% 1.15% + 0.01%
KPÖ 691 882 -191 0.97% 1.35% - 0.38%
LIF 381 0 381 0.53% 0.00% + 0.53%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 60054 57508 2546  
Votes cast 39538 34487 5051 65.84% 59.97% + 5.87%
Valid votes 38444 33681 4763 97.23% 97.66% - 0.43%
Invalid votes 1094 806 288 2.77% 2.34% + 0.43%
SPÖ 18831 20478 -1647 48.98% 60.80% - 11.82%
ÖVP 2890 3583 -693 7.52% 10.64% - 3.12%
Grüne 2197 2478 -281 5.71% 7.36% - 1.65%
FPÖ 13648 6339 7309 35.50% 18.82% + 16.68%
BZÖ 315 363 -48 0.82% 1.08% - 0.26%
KPÖ 358 440 -82 0.93% 1.31% - 0.38%
LIF 205 0 205 0.53% 0.00% + 0.53%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 56897 56805 92  
Votes cast 36737 33610 3127 64.57% 59.17% + 5.40%
Valid votes 35821 32794 3027 97.51% 97.57% - 0.06%
Invalid votes 916 816 100 2.49% 2.43% + 0.06%
SPÖ 16867 17155 -288 47.09% 52.31% - 5.22%
ÖVP 4123 5252 -1129 11.51% 16.02% - 4.51%
Grüne 3973 4092 -119 11.09% 12.48% - 1.39%
FPÖ 9691 5413 4278 27.05% 16.51% + 10.54%
BZÖ 478 402 76 1.33% 1.23% + 0.10%
KPÖ 416 480 -64 1.16% 1.46% - 0.30%
LIF 273 0 273 0.76% 0.00% + 0.76%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 39046 41010 -1964  
Votes cast 28586 27283 1303 73.21% 66.53% + 6.68%
Valid votes 27911 26629 1282 97.64% 97.60% + 0.04%
Invalid votes 675 654 21 2.36% 2.40% - 0.04%
SPÖ 9750 9742 8 34.93% 36.58% - 1.65%
ÖVP 8035 9248 -1213 28.79% 34.73% - 5.94%
Grüne 3775 4144 -369 13.53% 15.56% - 2.03%
FPÖ 5521 2930 2591 19.78% 11.00% + 8.78%
BZÖ 566 261 305 2.03% 0.98% + 1.05%
KPÖ 264 304 -40 0.95% 1.14% - 0.19%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 60376 60502 -126  
Votes cast 41305 37455 3850 68.41% 61.91% + 6.50%
Valid votes 40289 36743 3546 97.54% 98.10% - 0.56%
Invalid votes 1016 712 304 2.46% 1.90% + 0.56%
SPÖ 17030 16812 218 42.27% 45.76% - 3.49%
ÖVP 6578 7952 -1374 16.33% 21.64% - 5.31%
Grüne 5430 5588 -158 13.48% 15.21% - 1.73%
FPÖ 9931 5455 4476 24.65% 14.85% + 9.80%
BZÖ 602 403 199 1.49% 1.10% + 0.39%
KPÖ 401 533 -132 1.00% 1.45% - 0.45%
LIF 317 0 317 0.79% 0.00% + 0.79%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 40529 40848 -319  
Votes cast 25438 22679 2759 62.76% 55.52% + 7.24%
Valid votes 24821 22253 2568 97.57% 98.12% - 0.55%
Invalid votes 617 426 191 2.43% 1.88% + 0.55%
SPÖ 11750 11358 392 47.34% 51.04% - 3.70%
ÖVP 2429 3073 -644 9.79% 13.81% - 4.02%
Grüne 4015 3646 369 16.18% 16.38% - 0.20%
FPÖ 5966 3540 2426 24.04% 15.91% + 8.13%
BZÖ 295 249 46 1.19% 1.12% + 0.07%
KPÖ 366 387 -21 1.47% 1.74% - 0.27%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 58247 58962 -715  
Votes cast 38801 35294 3507 66.61% 59.86% + 6.75%
Valid votes 37808 34488 3320 97.44% 97.72% - 0.28%
Invalid votes 993 806 187 2.56% 2.28% + 0.28%
SPÖ 17695 17755 -60 46.80% 51.48% - 4.68%
ÖVP 4253 5463 -1210 11.25% 15.84% - 4.59%
Grüne 5302 4948 354 14.02% 14.35% - 0.33%
FPÖ 9329 5455 3874 24.67% 15.82% + 8.85%
BZÖ 469 356 113 1.24% 1.03% + 0.21%
KPÖ 455 511 -56 1.20% 1.48% - 0.28%
LIF 305 0 305 0.81% 0.00% + 0.81%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 33312 33381 -69  
Votes cast 22444 20106 2338 67.38% 60.23% + 7.15%
Valid votes 21987 19592 2395 97.96% 97.44% + 0.52%
Invalid votes 457 514 -57 2.04% 2.56% - 0.52%
SPÖ 8898 8328 570 40.47% 42.51% - 2.04%
ÖVP 3660 4395 -735 16.65% 22.43% - 5.78%
Grüne 3673 3462 211 16.71% 17.67% - 0.96%
FPÖ 4930 2912 2018 22.42% 14.86% + 7.56%
BZÖ 356 218 138 1.62% 1.11% + 0.51%
KPÖ 269 277 -8 1.22% 1.41% - 0.19%
LIF 201 0 201 0.91% 0.00% + 0.91%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 32500 32826 -326  
Votes cast 22933 20712 2221 70.56% 63.10% + 7.46%
Valid votes 22394 20278 2116 97.65% 97.90% - 0.25%
Invalid votes 539 434 105 2.35% 2.10% + 0.25%
SPÖ 7516 6579 937 33.56% 32.44% + 1.12%
ÖVP 5604 6693 -1089 25.02% 33.01% - 7.99%
Grüne 4620 4465 155 20.63% 22.02% - 1.39%
FPÖ 3776 2099 1677 16.86% 10.35% + 6.51%
BZÖ 346 180 166 1.55% 0.89% + 0.66%
KPÖ 242 262 -20 1.08% 1.29% - 0.21%
LIF 290 0 290 1.29% 0.00% + 1.29%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 49396 50159 -763  
Votes cast 34868 31949 2919 70.59% 63.70% + 6.89%
Valid votes 33976 31173 2803 97.44% 97.57% - 0.13%
Invalid votes 892 776 116 2.56% 2.43% + 0.13%
SPÖ 12908 11865 1043 37.99% 38.06% - 0.07%
ÖVP 8982 10447 -1465 26.44% 33.51% - 7.07%
Grüne 4299 4599 -300 12.65% 14.75% - 2.10%
FPÖ 6861 3634 3227 20.19% 11.66% + 8.53%
BZÖ 623 302 321 1.83% 0.97% + 0.86%
KPÖ 303 326 -23 0.89% 1.05% - 0.16%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 50440 51200 -760  
Votes cast 32564 29735 2829 64.56% 58.08% + 6.48%
Valid votes 31748 29103 2645 97.49% 97.87% - 0.38%
Invalid votes 816 632 184 2.51% 2.13% + 0.38%
SPÖ 15750 16494 -744 49.61% 56.67% - 7.06%
ÖVP 2667 3522 -855 8.40% 12.10% - 3.70%
Grüne 3314 3389 -75 10.44% 11.64% - 1.20%
FPÖ 8990 4891 4099 28.32% 16.81% + 11.51%
BZÖ 349 344 5 1.10% 1.18% - 0.08%
KPÖ 358 463 -105 1.13% 1.59% - 0.46%
LIF 247 0 247 0.78% 0.00% + 0.78%
SLP 73 0 73 0.23% 0.00% + 0.23%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 103086 101076 2010  
Votes cast 69788 62006 7782 67.70% 61.35% + 6.35%
Valid votes 67967 60588 7379 97.39% 97.71% - 0.32%
Invalid votes 1821 1418 403 2.61% 2.29% + 0.32%
SPÖ 32025 34998 -2973 47.12% 57.76% - 10.64%
ÖVP 6509 7947 -1438 9.58% 13.12% - 3.54%
Grüne 4867 5495 -628 7.16% 9.07% - 1.91%
FPÖ 22607 10292 12315 33.26% 16.99% + 16.27%
BZÖ 911 1055 -144 1.34% 1.74% - 0.40%
KPÖ 639 801 -162 0.94% 1.32% - 0.38%
LIF 409 0 409 0.60% 0.00% + 0.60%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 113806 107508 6298  
Votes cast 78475 66486 11989 68.96% 61.84% + 7.12%
Valid votes 76321 65111 11210 97.26% 97.93% - 0.67%
Invalid votes 2154 1375 779 2.74% 2.07% + 0.67%
SPÖ 37155 37600 -445 48.68% 57.75% - 9.07%
ÖVP 7204 8504 -1300 9.44% 13.06% - 3.62%
Grüne 5652 6421 -769 7.41% 9.86% - 2.45%
FPÖ 23971 10696 13275 31.41% 16.43% + 14.98%
BZÖ 892 776 116 1.17% 1.19% - 0.02%
KPÖ 714 820 -106 0.94% 1.26% - 0.32%
LIF 402 0 402 0.53% 0.00% + 0.53%
DEM 331 0 331 0.43% 0.00% + 0.43%

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Final results of the city electoral commission
  GR10 GR05 +/- GR10 GR05 +/-
Persons entitled to vote 70002 68151 1851  
Votes cast 49927 44209 5718 71.32% 64.87% + 6.45%
Valid votes 48609 43332 5277 97.36% 98.02% - 0.66%
Invalid votes 1318 877 441 2.64% 1.98% + 0.66%
SPÖ 21715 22267 -552 44.67% 51.39% - 6.72%
ÖVP 7283 8469 -1186 14.98% 19.54% - 4.56%
Grüne 4802 5241 -439 9.88% 12.09% - 2.21%
FPÖ 13357 6286 7071 27.48% 14.51% + 12.97%
BZÖ 719 500 219 1.48% 1.15% + 0.33%
KPÖ 404 569 -165 0.83% 1.31% - 0.48%
LIF 329 0 329 0.68% 0.00% + 0.68%

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