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Four women sitting at a table outdoors with learning materials

German in Park

The Vienna VHS offers free German classes in parks during summer months. more


exterior view of the Technisches Museum


until December 2024 | Technisches Museum

The new exhibition demonstrates the complex dynamics of the energy transition and the climate crisis. more

Roy Lichtenstein. A Centennial Exhibition until 14.7.
Protest/Architecture. Barricades, Camps, Superglue until 25.8.
Summer in Vienna until 1.9.
On her own. The photographer Elfriede Mejchar until 1.9.
Arctic. The Changing Polar World until 22.9.
Imperial Impressions. The Emperors and their Court Artists 13.2. until 13.10.
On the Backs of Camels until 26.1.2025
Film festival on Rathausplatz against the backdrop of Vienna City Hall

Film festival on Rathausplatz

The film festival attracts around 900,000 visitors each summer to enjoy the special atmosphere, listen to selected musical highlights and indulge in the many international culinary delights. more


Public swimming pools

It is hot in the city and you need to cool off somewhere? Go and find refreshment in one of Vienna's public open-air swimming pools! more

A doctor holds a syringe in his hand and disinfects an area on a person`s upper arm.

Free HPV vaccination

From 1 July 2024, the free vaccination offer in Vienna will be extended. Now, men and women in Vienna can be immunised free of charge up to the age of 30. more

group of young people stacking their hands

Recognition of foreign university degrees

A university degree can be an important qualification if you want to work in Austria. There are, however, some issues you need to consider if you want a recognition (nostrification) of the university degree you acquired abroad. more